Fall (Everything) (taejin)

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Taehyung was at home while all the other members were out shopping. He didn't feel like crutching around or riding around in a wheelchair at the mall all day. He decided to use it as a day to beat Jungkook's kill count in Call of Duty instead.

He was entranced by the game and didn't even realize it was lunchtime. He looked at his phone. It was already 2 pm and he really wished Jin were there to make him some food. He got up and crutched to the kitchen, settling for an instant cup of ramen.

He sat at the table and went on YouTube to watch focus videos of himself and get nostalgic over performing. He sighed into his sad cup of ramen and just as the loneliness set in the front door flew open to reveal a tired looking Jin.

"Hey Jinnie hyung." Taehyung smiled. Jin smiled over the many bags in his arms and watch the panic set in on his face as he felt his foot get caught on the entry rug. Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized what was going to happen, but it was too late.

The bags went flying and Jin went falling. "JIN HYUNG!" Taehyung yelled as he raced from his chair completely forgetting about the excruciating pain in his cast covered leg. He crouched down to the best of his ability to help him.

"Hyung, are you alright?"
"Yes I'll be okay. Don't hurt yourself go lay down."
"No! Let me help you up." He stood and pulled Jin up still forgetting about his leg. Jin winced as he stepped down on his right foot.

"I think it's just sprained Taehyungie."
"Here let me help." Taehyung wrapped his arm around his shoulder and they both limped over the couch. Taehyung pulled Jin down to sit next to him.

Jin looked over and saw the pain in Taehyung's face. His adrenaline from seeing his hyung fall was gone and the earth shattering pain set into his leg. Jin saw him digging his teeth into his bottom lip and the tears pooling to his eyes.

"I told you I'd be alright Taetae. You shouldn't have done that you pabo." Jin wrapped an arm around the other and pulled him closer to him. Taehyung finally let out big sobs into Jin's chest while Jin rubbed his back. "I'm gonna get you and me an ice pack."

Jin limped away from the couch and came back with Taehyung's crutches and two big ice packs. "Are you sure you didn't break your leg, hyung?"
"Yes, Taehyungie. It'll be alright. It just hurts to put weight on for now, but the ice will help. I think you should put the ice on the space above your knee since that's probably where the most strain is from the cast." Jin said as he helped prop up and ice Taehyung's leg.

"You should become a doctor, hyung. Dr. Kim Seokjin. Sounds cool doesn't it?" Taehyung gave Jin his box smile which made him laugh. "You're so silly, Taehyungie."
"Hey hyung. Why are you home anyway?"
"Ohhh, I wasn't feeling the best, but now my ankle is all my pain receptors can really think about. It blocked out however I was feeling before."

"Seriously you should be a doctor." Taehyung said and Jin hit his arm lightly. "What have you been doing all day? Playing video games I assume?"
"Yeah, but I'm honestly glad you're here. I was getting lonely."
"Awh Taetae." Jin smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Wanna play COD with me?"
"Ehhh I don't know."
"I don't feel like it."
"You can beat Namjoon's high score."
"Okay let's do this."

The two boys played and played and played with the ice packs on their ankles for a few more hours, completely neglecting the bags Jin had dropped on the floor.

They didn't even notice when the other five boys came home and watched them play on their team intently. "So you really thought you could beat me?"
"AHHHHABAGWYEHDB!" Jin screamed gibberish and threw his remote up in the air. He looked over and saw Namjoon and the rest standing at the doorway to the living room.

"How long have you been here?" Taehyung asked them.
"About 20 minutes gimpy crew." Yoongi said. "Can I go lay down now?" He whined and Namjoon nodded.

"How many remotes do we have?" Jimin asked.
"Why? Would you like to join the masters?" Jin asked directed mostly to Namjoon.
"Okay somebody give me a damn remote. Jimin, Jungkook, take turns."
"Arrgghh." Jungkook whined and plopped down on the couch with Jimin.

The five boys played COD and listened to Christmas music until the middle of the night. Three of the five still didn't know what happened to Jin's foot.

But yes, Jin did beat Namjoon's high score.


A/N: idek what I'm doing at this point I'm exhausted. Realistically I probably won't get another one up tonight but I dream of doing so

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