Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (namseok)

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Namjoon is talented. He can rap, sing, make girls go crazy, make bangtan go crazy, and he's a genius. But he's also not good at somethings. More specifically he's not good at knowing what to get some of the members for Christmas.

So instead of getting help or being unfair he decided he would prepare a dance for all of them to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. He doesn't know why. He just knows he needs to do this for himself and Bangtan.

So, on a day he knew the members would be working on vocals he went down to the dance studio to practice what he's secretly practiced for weeks. He got even more into the spirit every time he saw the Christmas tree in the studio. He was hype.

He stretched and did his warmups before he turned on the upbeat remix of the song. From there he did his choreo sloppily still struggling with it and wishing he could ask for help from Hobi or Jimin.

He continued struggling and sweating for another hour before he decided it was time to take a break. He got out his bottle of water and chugged it back in seconds. He was mad at himself for struggling so hard. He should've prepared a rap instead.

His determination kept him dancing through the afternoon into the evening. He was exhausted from lack of food and all the exercise. He wanted to rip his hair out. "Why can't I just get this right?!" He yelled in the once empty studio.

"I think you should add a triple spin to the chorus." Namjoon jumped and turned around. Busted. By J-Hope. "Oh hehe hi hyung.."
"It's pretty good. You just need to tighten up your motions and focus on your footing." Hoseok instructed as he walked further into the studio.

"Why are you here hyung?"
"I went to the lockers to get a hoodie and I saw you flailing around in here."
"Let's face it Namjoon," Hoseok said as he walked right up close to him, "You need help from the master." He smirked.

"But I wanted to do this on my own."
"But listen here. You're not a choreographer." Hobi stated to a sulking Namjoon. The younger tensed up when he felt two hands grip his waist tightly.

"I'm gonna do the dance with you for now so you get the moves and footing right, and who knows, maybe I'll add some steps of my own." Namjoon felt his stomach churn as the music began and the actual dance god started dancing with him.

He realized he was more focused on how weird it was to have Hoseok so close compared to the actual dancing. "Namjoon why are you like spaghetti? You have to actually move with me. You're like a dead weight right now."
"I-I'm sorry hyung."
"Am I really that distracting?" Hoseok whispered in his ear leaving chills down Namjoon's spine.

They continued dancing together through the song a few more times before Namjoon was started to pick up on it pretty well. Hoseok was so proud of his Namjoonie, but Namjoon was sad that Hoseok was holding on to him less and less as he learned the moves.

Finally, Namjoon did it on his own almost as perfect as his hyung, but not quite. "You still need to get down that triple spin, Namjoonie." Hoseok said.
"What time is it?"
"About 10:00."
"Oh my lord I've been here for 12 hours."
"Yeah, well. It's your fault you wanted to prepare a dance."
"I know it was dumb since I'm the worst dancer in the group." Hoseok frowned at Namjoon's response. He could also see the frustration in his face.

He walked over to his leader and gave him a tight hug. "They're no 'worst dancer' Namjoon. You're all really good. I'm actually surprised with your skills Namjoonie. You're doing so great. I'm so proud." Hoseok said into his neck before pulling away.
"Really? You think so?" Namjoon questioned.
"Of course." Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Alright let's do this one more time." Hoseok started the music and Namjoon began dancing. His movements were so swift and smooth. Hobi was so impressed. He thinks he gave Namjoon some motivation. His steps were perfect and he nailed the triple spin at the end. When he finished all Hoseok could do was smile.

"How did I do hyung?"
"You're absolutely amazing, Namjoon."


A/N: back to my writing frenzy lmao

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