Shopping (jinkook)

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"Hmm what to get what to get." Jungkook mumbled to himself as he stood in the apron section. Jin's aprons were getting pretty worn down lately. Lots cooking and baking as always. Jin was never specific about what he wanted and when Jungkook asked he told him he wanted all of the members to be happy and that was enough of a gift for him. But Jungkook likes to shop.

"Hmm what to get what to get." Jin mumbled to himself as he stood in front of a display of different colored tshirts. He was tired of seeing Jungkook in plain white shirts and some of them were getting kind of worn down and falling apart. He wore them to the airport, dance practices, bed time, get togethers, and sometimes concerts. He needed more color to him. Jungkook was never specific about what he wanted. When Jin ask he told him that seeing his hyungs happy would be enough of a gift. But Jin likes to shop.

"Excuse me ma'am, which apron of these would you buy?" Jungkook questioned a woman as she walked by. She stopped and looked up realizing it was Jeon Jungkook and her face turned red. Jungkook knew what she was thinking and smiled reassuringly. She focused back on the aprons and picked the one that says 'Kiss the Chef'. "Thank you." He bowed and she walked away. Jungkook decided that he liked that apron too. He put it in his basket along with some pink kitchen utensils to put in Jin's stocking. He even got him a chefs hat.

"Excuse me sir, which tee shirt would you wear?" Jin asked a young kid walking by. The boy stopped and pointed at the white shirts.
"Other than white or black." Jin sighed and shook his head. Kids these days. He then pointed to blue shirts and to some maroon shirts. Jin smiled and bowed to him as he walked away. He took two of each off the rack and finished it up with a new pair of timberlands and two pairs of new skinny jeans. He also fell in love with a maroon beanie to put in Jungkook's stocking.

Jungkook decided it was time for a lunch break and headed to a small café in the food court. He sat down in a booth and got cozy with the warm environment. That's when he spotted Jin sitting in a booth across the café. Oh jeez.

Jin saw Jungkook the minute he walked in. He tried to avoid him by looking nonchalantly at a magazine in his booth, but he knew Kookie was staring. He would almost rather shop alone, not because he didn't want to hang out with Kookie; but he was scared of the monster they would become if they shopped for things together. It would just be too wonderful.

Jungkook was beginning to think the same thing as Jin, but he wasn't as great at resisting the urge to talk to his hyung like Jin was with the golden maknae. Jungkook couldn't stand it anymore and walked across the café to his eldest hyung.

Jin continued staring at the magazine as Jungkook reached the table. "Hyung." Jungkook said. Jin didn't look up because he was scared of the amounts of money that would be spent on his dongsaengs if he acknowledged Kookie.

Jungkook had enough and ripped the magazine from Jin's hands. Damnit. "Oh hey Kookie what are you up to?" Jungkook narrowed his eyes and grabbed Jin's hand. "J-jungkook?" He questioned. Jungkook pulled him from the booth and dragged Jin and his shopping bags behind him.

"Jungkook what are we doing?" Jin yanked his arm from Jungkook once they got out to the mall.
"I think you already know Jin hyung." Jungkook said sternly. He pulled a crinkled paper from his jacket pocket that was full of writing front and back. Jin recognized it immediately.

The dongsaengs' Christmas list.

From there they went through the mall top to bottom in every single store. They bought a multitude of things for the other members and themselves and enjoyed every minute of it. They laughed until they cried and they turned avoiding saesangs into an art. They actually had to drop bags off to their cars so they could continue shopping. Jin didn't even try to stop and eat dinner. They just kept shopping until the mall closed. By then they barely had room to get into there cars and had spent over ₩17,000,000. They definitely went overboard and they knew this would happen, but they didn't care because in reality they both had the ultimate goal;

to keep their hyungs and dongsaengs as happy as possible.

They arrived at the dorm at the same time and were puzzled on where to put all these bags. They obviously couldn't have the other members help them since they were their gifts. "Kookie what do we do?" They stood in front of their loaded cars. Jin wasn't sure they could even open the trunks without everything bursting out onto the concrete. Suddenly Namjoon came out and looked at the cars. They heard him sigh from 20 feet away as he shook his head and went back inside. "I don't blame him." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, I think Jin is shopping at the same mall as you today." Namjoon said to Jungkook as he entered the kitchen.
"Really?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes, so if you run into him please don't get too carried away with the gifts alright?"
"Yes, hyung. I like online shopping better anyway!" Jungkook called as he left the door to go to the mall deeper into Seoul.

No wonder Namjoon was so disappointed in them. "Well Jungkook, let's just start taking stuff in." Jin said solemnly, scared of the wrath of Namjoon. He's never disappointed in them, but just now he definitely looked disappointed.

They slowly took bags in as many as they could carry and ended up taking around 20 trips from the car to the dorm. They crammed presents into their closets and pantries as well as the closets of other members as long as the presents didn't belong  to that member. Jungkook didn't want to begin to imagine how cluttered the bottom of the Christmas tree would be.

By the time Jin and Jungkook had finished finding hiding spots for the presents the house was silent because everyone else was asleep. They both simultaneously flopped onto the couch and the crinkling of packages hidden behind the couch filled the silence.

"What do you want to do now Kookie?" Jin asked looking at the baggy eyed Kookie.
"Well, i really want to sleep, but there's so many presents on my bed I have nowhere else to put."
"Hmm, well will you watch a movie with me?" Jin asked and smiled at the younger.
"Sure hyung." While Jin was putting the DVD into the player Jungkook was scrambling to find another blanket. Damn Yoongi probably took them all to bed again. Jin sat down with the blanket and patted the seat next to him. "We can just share this blanket, Kookie." Jin smiled warmly and motioned the younger to come sit with him again. Jungkook agreed and scooted over right next to his Jinie hyung.

A little ways into the movie Jin felt a head lean onto his shoulder and saw that Jungkook had fallen asleep. He smiled and brushed the hair from Kookie's sleeping eyes. He looked so exhausted yet peaceful. Jin couldn't help but smile and blush at the thought of the fun day he had with the golden maknae.

Little did he know Jungkook fell asleep dreaming of the spectacular day he had. And about how cool he felt for spending time with his eldest hyung.

They both dreamed for more days like they had today to come again soon.

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