Chess (vmon)

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The Bangtan Boys were sitting around on the couch watching a cute Christmas themed drama that made some of the members gag and some of the others swoon. Cough. J-Hope. Cough. It was about to get to a climaxing scene when all of a sudden the TV went out. And the lights. And the heat.

"You've got to be kidding me." Yoongi said first. The others groaned in unison.
"It was just about to get to a good part too!!" Hobi yelled and threw the remote on the ground.
"Hyung, it's alright! We can stream on my phone it's at 90%."
"Well then move over."
"AISH HOBI!! MY DAMN LEG!!" Taehyung screamed.
"Well we obviously need some candles or some shit." Yoongi mumbled blankly.

Namjoon got up with his phone flashlight. "I'm gonna get some blankets, coats and candles. Nobody move. That means you Taehyung."
"Ha ha very funny. I can't even walk without crutches!" Taehyung shouted, but Namjoon was already out of the room.

He came back and set candles in various places throughout the house and lit them with a lighter till everyone could see each other very dimly. He then passed around thick blankets and gave everyone their coats.

Jin walked into the room with a pout on his face. "I just called the electric company and they said that our neighborhood and other parts of Seoul are in a full blackout from the snowstorm. The power won't be on until 5:00 tomorrow morning." Everyone moaned and whined.

They all sat in silence for awhile. Hobi had lost interest in watching the drama on Jungkook's phone and went back to the other side of the couch to share a blanket with Yoongi. Jimin was cuddled next to Jungkook, Taehyung was on Jungkook's other side, Namjoon followed Taehyung and was followed by Jin, Hobi, and lastly Yoongi on the semi circle couch.

They all just stared blankly at each other and some had their eyes closed trying to sleep. It was dead silent and they all hated it, but especially Jungkook. He was trying to think of something to do when it hit him. Sing.

"Forever we are young." He started quietly while still getting everyone's attention.
"Narineun kkonip bi sairo hemaeeo dallineun i mir." Jimin continued smiling up at Jungkook.
"Forever we are young," Taehyung sang next.
"Neomeojyeo dachigo apada kkeuteopsi dalline kkumeul hyanghae." Jin smiled as he harmonized with Jimin.

"Forever ever ever ever." Jungkook sang out as he looked to Yoongi across the room.
"Kkum, huimang, jeonjin, jeonjin." Yoongi said with a sigh which received giggles from the other members.
"Forever ever ever we are young!" Taehyung sang.
"Forever ever ever ever." Jimin sang and looked to Namjoon.
"Kkum, huimang, jeonjin, jeonjin." Namjoon was beaming.

"Forever ever ever we are young!" Jin and Jimin sang louder.
"Ready guys?" Hoseok asked. They all nodded.

"Forever we are young," they all sang, "narineun kkonip bi sairo hemaeeo dallineun i miro. Forever we are young! Neomeojyeo dachigo apado kkeuteopsi dalline kkumeul hyanghae!" They finished with smiles and laughed.

"I'm tired." Yoongi whined.
"How about we all try to sleep out here so we have body heat." Jimin said.
"Yeah that's a good idea." Namjoon mumbled as he began dozing off. Taehyung was reclined and Namjoon laid down and laid his head in his lap. Taehyung was surprised, but okay with the contact.

He looked over to an already asleep Yoongi being spooned by Hobi, a cuddling Jikook facing away from him, and reclined Jin with Namjoon laying across them both. Taehyung could not get to sleep.

He hummed some of their songs for awhile, but quickly got bored. So then he quietly took out his phone and played games and watched videos, but that soon died. He looked at Namjoon's wristwatch. It was 1:30. It had only been an hour and a half. "Aigooo." He whined a little too loudly.

"Tae?" He looked down to see Namjoon staring at him.
"Oh I'm sorry hyung."
"What's wrong?"
"I can't sleep."
"Well you should've said so. I'll stay up with you."
"No no get your rest."

Namjoon slowly moved his legs from Jin's grasp so he was sitting up next to Taehyung. "What do you wanna do?" Namjoon asked.
"Well.." Taehyung looked down at his leg. "I can't really do much."
"Have you ever played chess?"
"What? Chess?"
"Yeah, chess."
"Yes, why?"
"Are you good?"
"Yes, I beat everyone I play against."
"Ha, you haven't met the master." Namjoon said and stood up leaving the room. "Pabo." Taehyung whispered to himself.

Namjoon came back with a box. Chess. "What the hell hyung? It's almost 2 in the morning."
"It's always chess time, now get down here and sit at the coffee table gimpy." Taehyung glared and slowly slid himself off the couch and down to the coffee table. He slid his leg underneath it and sat on a pillow. Namjoon set up a candle next to the board and set up the two sides.

"You go first." Namjoon said.
"Because I'm gonna win."
"Oh, it's on."

Taehyung moved a pawn first and Namjoon then moved his. They continued with pawns back and forth until Namjoon took out his knight and bishop. Taehyung had no idea what strategy he was actually going for. All he knew was Namjoon was winning and he didn't know how.

Taehyung sat and scratched his head as Namjoon took out his king and queen. "Well," Taehyung sighed, "I guess you really are in the top 1% of South Korea IQ wise." Namjoon smirked and scoffed. "I guess I am." He said and raised an eyebrow at Taehyung.

"You're on."

7 rematches later and Taehyung had only one once. Namjoon was exhausted and somehow still beating him and it frustrated Taehyung so much. "Check." Namjoon said on their 11th game. It was 4 in the morning. Before Taehyung could make his next move he passed out at the coffee table.


"Look at them."

Taehyung woke up and looked up at Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin. He then looked at where he was and saw Namjoon slumped over the coffee table sleeping. He was using the chess board as a pillow, but soon woke up from the chit chat. He looked around and his eyes met Taehyung's.

"You're on."

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