Day and Night- A ninjajo fanfic

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Chapter 1

Kiera's POV

On waking up I went to the window to get some fresh air, and I was greeted by the sun rising on a new morning in Ninjago city.

It's seems like only yesterday that I left home to come here with my best friend Antonia to live here in the city. We don't live in the city as such, more on the outskirts of it. I find it more peaceful as that means we can look out onto the forest and avoid all the city noise.

A loud crash brought me out of my daydream. Ahh, that probably signifies that Anto has woken up by falling out of bed...again.

"Anto, you ok?" I yelled.

"Yup, just fell outta bed and knocked over my bedside table that's all" Anto hollered in reply.

Laughing to myself at her clumsiness, I walked over to my mirror to get ready for the day.
Jeez, I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. My light brown hair was all bushy looking and I had a little bit of sleep still in my greeny blue eyes.

Well...I wouldn't hurt if I did my little trick this once...

After making sure nobody was watching, I stuck my hands in my hair and imagined the sun flowing through my hair.
After a minute or so of this I opened my eyes and my hair is now lovely and wavy but most importantly, not poofy.
Nobody knows about my little trick, not even Antonia. It's my little secret.

Antonia's POV

BANG! Oh shit, just knocked over my bedside table...again. God I really need to stop falling outta bed in the mornings, I've got the bruises to prove it.

After putting my bedside table back in place and brushing my pyjamas down I heard Kiera yell "Anto, you ok?"
Classic Kiera, always looking out for me.

"Yup, just fell outta bed and knocked over my bedside table that's all" I hollered.

Might as well get dressed...after brushing my unruly dark brown hair into a reasonable looking plat. I'm quite happy with how I look, tanned looking skin with chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair, quite pretty in my opinion.

Although she doesn't know it, Kiera is really pretty, like, drop dead gorgeous infact! Why she doesn't have hundreds of boys after her is beyond me.

After a final check of my appearance, I decide to go down stairs for some food.

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