Chapter 12 - Saving Kiera

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--------------1 month later---------------

Zane's POV

It's been a month since Kiera was kidnapped and we have been trying to locate her but with no success. Currently, I was trying to use my falcon to find where she could be but it hasn't returned yet so I don't know for sure.

"Any news from the falcon yet Zane?" asked Cole.

"None so far, I'm still waiting for it to return" I replied with a sigh.

Just as Cole went to speak, I heard a bleeping noise which signified that my falcon had found something. Switching to bird cam mode, I looked through its eyes and saw a large cave in a forest. It has claw marks all over it and mysterious symbols.

"Cole, get a look at this" I said whilst putting the bird cam onto the main computer screen in the control room.

"If that isn't a cave filled with a race of evil kidnapping cat people then I don't know what is. I think that's the place they're holding Kiera captive" said Cole as he studied the screen.

Kiera... we all miss her so much. She was kidnapped over a month ago and we've been trying non-stop to try and find her, but with no success until today. I miss her crazy fun personality and her little jokes the most.

Kai's been literally heartbroken. He rarely talks and always has a depressed look about him. He also is super aggressive during training, taking out his anger at the Felinity on us and the training apparatus. It's not a pretty site.

"Yaaawwwn... morning guys, any luck this time?" greeted Jay.

"Yes actually, we think this is the place" I smiled.

Jay's face immediately shifted from tired to wide awake and a grin plastered on his face.

"Yes! Finally! Lemme see!" he cried as he barged past Cole to see the monitor.

"Yup, I'm pretty sure that's the place, Kai is going to be so happy when he hears this!" said Jay after studying the image for a while.

"Hear what?" grumbled Kai as he trudged into the room, sulking as usual.

"We think we found the place-" I started to say but was cut off as Kai literally sprinted to the monitor and shoved Jay out of the way so he could see, sending Jay toppling over into the table where a cup of water fell onto his head, soaking him.

"That's the place! It has to be!" yelled Kai in determination and joy.

"What are we waiting for? Lets go!" he ordered as we all rushed to get our ninja suits on.

------------a few hours later-------------

Antonia's POV

We all stood infront of the caves entrance, dressed and ready to kick butt.

Cole signalled for us to follow him and we went into the darkness of the cave.

After a while, I saw a light ahead of us, and it was getting closer.

"Guys! Hide! Someone's coming!" I whisper yelled to the others as I frantically dashed behind a large stalactite.

I made myself quiet as the foot-no- paw steps passed right by my hiding spot.

"Ugh, why do we have to have guard duty! its all cold and wet here!" moaned one person.

"Will you ever shut up? I'm sick of your complaining!" growled another.

"But Scarface, it's all creepy in here and it feels like we're being watched" complained the first person.

"It's just your imagination doofus! Mother of Cat your annoying Longtail" hissed Scarface.

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