Chapter 6 - Training time

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Nya's POV

Sensei had just filled me in with all the details about what was happening. Personally, I'm ecstatic that there's going to be more girls around here because living on a ship with 5 guys and an old man isn't exactly good for girly nights.

Just as I was beginning to wonder where the boys where I heard the distinctive sound of foot steps on the deck. Walking out onto the deck I got my first glimpse of the new girls. There was a girl about my height (short) with longish light brown hair and greens eyes full of excitement. I could tell we would get along with easily. The other girl, had longish dark brown hair and brown eyes. To me, she looked like had a small attitude and plenty of sass. I guessed we could have some laughs together.

Walking up to the guys I first went to Jay and gave him a quick hug and kiss (he is my boyfriend after all)

and a hug for Kai (cause he's my brother).

After that, I walked up to the new girls and hugged them both.

"Welcome aboard the Bounty! My name is Nya! It's nice to meet you two!" I said.

"Hi Nya! I'm Kiera and that's Antonia, I'm glad we have another female here" replied Kiera

"Follow me everyone, Sensei wants to see you" I told them whilst leading them to the control room of the ship.

Sensei's POV

I sensed the new presences on the Bounty. I could sense their auras. Everyone has their own distinct aura, you can learn to see auras through advanced meditation.

The first new aura has a golden edge to it and it shimmers happiness and warmth, I'm guessing that is Kiera. The other aura had a silver edge and was complex but yet simple at the same time. This aura must belong to Antonia. Interesting, their auras reflect their elements.

I saw the boys come in with Nya and the other two girls. Standing up, I went over to greet them.

"Hello Kiera and Antonia, I am Sensei Wu but you will learn to call me Sensei. I trust that the ninja told you why you are here." I said.

"Yes they did. And I get the feeling that your going to explain everything to us" said Kiera.

"Gladly" and with that, I told them the story of the 4 weapons and the ninja.

-a while later-

Kiera's POV

After Sensei explained the ninja stuff, I now understand how being a ninja works. But there's one bit I'm still confused about is where Antonia and I fit in?

"Um, Sensei, where do we fit in this?" I said whilst gesturing to Anto and me.

"Well young one, you are the ninja of day, master of the sun. And you Antonia, are ninja of night, master of the moon and stars" Sensei replied.

"Enough chit chat, time to train" Sensei said.

On arriving in the training room, I swear my chin hit the ground my mouth was open so wide. This is going to be hard.

There's these carousels and bounding pillars and 'tree' thing. Each carousel had these foam 'baddies' on them. Well fuck... I'm buggered.

I could tell that Anto was scared too as her eyes were wide with fear, not of hurting herself, but of looking completely stupid whilst doing it.

"Kiera, aim to finish the course before I finish my tea, and then you will be a ninja" Sensei said.

SHIT! Where did he come from?! I swear he wasn't there a minute ago.

"Yes Sensei. Lets do this shiz!" I exclaim.

-1 hour later-

Ow ow ow, everything hurts. Just everything hurts. I think I've got more bruises than a banana. Let me tell you this, it's bloody hard. Let me see, I've been hit by foam dummies, fallen flat on my face and butt, been catapulted off the tree thing and bouncing beams, hit in the face by a punch bag, the list goes on... Fuck it hurts.

Well at least it's Antonia's turn now.

"Begin" said Sensei.

I think my eyes just popped out of their sockets as Antonia made it look EASY! Now I feel like an idiot. Thanks Anto for adding insult to my injuries.

"Well done Antonia! You finished the course!" Sensei congratulated Antonia.

"Thanks Sensei!" relied Antonia.

"We will train tomorrow, same time. Now go rest, you've earned it" Sensei said.

"Also Kiera, go to the medical room to get your injuries tended to." instructed Sensei.

"Yes Sensei" I sulkily replied.

And with that, I made my way to the medical room (with difficulty I might add).

Kai's POV

I'm in the medical room with Zane because I accidentally cut myself with a sword when I was training.

Just as he secured the bandage to my arm, a very battered and bruised Kiera stumbled in.

"Shit, what happened to you?" I asked worried.

"Nothing really, just that hell of an assault course" she said.

"Ouch, I remember that one clearly" I winced in sympathy.

"Come over here Kiera, lets get those injuries tended to" Zane said as she walked over.

How can one person get so many injuries in an hour? Beats me.

-after fixing her injuries-

Kiera gave Zane a thanks as he left the room after tending to her wounds.

Sitting down next to her on one of the medical beds I decided to make conversation.

"'s life as a ninja now?" I enquired.

"Not great, considering I got beat 7 ways to Sunday by foam dummies and wood" she sighed.

"And what I don't understand is why it was so hard! I mean, I'm an Olympic judo player and I normally am super fit and can handle anything! But no, not some stupid assault course that I think was trying to kill me" huffed Kiera.

"So, would you mind to tell me a bit about yourself?" I asked.

"Sure!" she smiled and started from the beginning of her life...

(I aim to update once a week, so be patient my narwalians)

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