Chapter 10 - The Generals

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Kiera's POV

Darkness. That's all I could see. I couldn't move or talk, I couldn't even feel anything. It was enough to drive someone mad.

Slowly, the feeling returned to my fingers and then the rest of my body, but that only made the pain return. My back was throbbing and it hurt whenever I moved.

That must have been one hell of a judo training session I had last night.

Going to rub the sleep out of my eyes I realised with a start that my hands and feet were tied together and I was gagged too. Also the material I thought was my duvet covers was in fact a sack. Well sh**.

I could tell that my captor was running very fast because of the constant bumps and movement of my sack.

Before I could assess my situation further, I felt myself being flung into the air and as I hit the floor, my head collided with it first and I became instantly unconscious.

Resurfacing a while later, I saw that I was tied to a post with my hands wrapped behind my back around the pole.

"Look who finally decided to wake up" sneered someone who I couldn't see.

"Let me go" I tried to say but all that came out was a garbled muffle.

"Who's the pussy now huh?" leered another voice.

Lifting my head, I saw 2 Felinity sneering at me. One was a tall male Tigeroni and the other a lean female Cheetani. But these 2 weren't ordinary ones, I believe that they were the leaders of their clans. They both wore a ring on their tail, on which was a coloured gem.


Gem colours:

Lionati - sandy

Panthori - black

Cheetani - golden yellow

Leopardion - beige

Tigeroni - orange


The Cheetani leader walked up to me a slapped me, which hurt my already pained body.

"That's just to show you who's boss" she sneered.

She slapped me again on the other cheek.

"And that's for everything else" she snapped.

She raises her hand to slap me again but the Tigeroni interrupted her.

"That's enough!" shouted the Tigeroni leader.

She pouted and trudged back to his side hissing profanities in a foreign language.

"Remove her gag, I want to speak with her" he ordered as a smaller Tigeroni came out of the dark and removed my gag. Thank god, my mouth was beginning to ache.

Making weird movements with my mouth, I loosened the muscles giving me the ability to talk.

"What do you want with me?!" I shouted.

"Lets see if you can work it out" sneered the Cheetani leader who I nicknamed 'the bitch'.

"No, lets just show her instead" hissed someone as they stepped out of the shadows.

"Ah, General Pitch, so glad you could join us" greeted the Tigeroni.

"The pleasure is all mine General Slash" Pitch replied.

Day and Night- A ninjajo fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن