RIP Chpt 14 and a convo with my phone

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Gah! I had written the whole chapter and went to put it onto wattpad but my notes glitches and deleted it! *rage moment* ok now onto re-writing it... *sigh*

Now a longer delay until next chapter due to my phone deciding to be a butt.

*phone magically becomes alive*

Phone: mwahahaha I'm so evil!

Me: f**k you -_-

Phone: trololololol

Me: you know, that open window is looking rather lonely, want to go out of it?

Phone: D: you wouldn't dare...

Me: oh but I would


Notes: Hey! Don't bring me into this.

Me: Both of you shut up!

Phone: sorry

Notes: sorry

Me: now leave me in piece whilst I go rewrite the chapter.

Wattpad: hahahaha she prefers me now!

Me: I don't write my stories on you so shut it.

Wattpad: y u so mean 2 meh?!

Notes and Phone: trololololol

Me: -_- I'm surrounded by idiots.

Phone: you still love me right?

Me: maybe, but leave before you get introduced to the window and the ground.

Phone: D:

Me: mwahahaha

*sends notes, wattpad and phone back to the realm of my pocket*

Phone: I can't see anything and do these 2 really have to be inside me?

Me: yup

Phone: I hate you -_-

Me: Love you too! ^3^

*phone becomes a normal phone again*

Me: GAWD who knew phones were such dicks...

And on an unrelated note, congrats to Turtlegirl21 for getting the female character place! Here's her bio. I don't know when I will add her in but it will happen at some point.


Adrianna Itsaso

Age: like 21

Appearance: Latina, tall, long curly black hair hazel eyes (rather pretty)

The indigo (or turquoise, indigo might be too purple) Ninja of water; weapon is a bo staff

Her personality matches the sea. When happy, she is fun and playful and super calm and fun to be with. Get her angry, however, and she will be as enraged as the ocean during a hurricane. Super protective of her friends.

Her words not mine

The male character is still open, please contact me in Kik ( KirbyCookie ) with the bio please!

Love you all my little Narwhalians!

Narwhalicious xxx

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