Chapter 13 - The Forest Protector

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Unknown's POV

"I'm going to go do another patrol around the forest" I said to my friend Crissie as she walked in with some coffee.

"Sure, just be careful" Crissie replied.

Slinging my bow over my shoulder and attaching my arrow sleeve onto my back, I pulled the hood of my hoodie up as I walked out into the night.

For the past 3 months, there's been these weird cat people roaming the forest surrounding my village. Since I was one of few in my village who knew how to fight, me and a few of my friends became the guardians of Pinewood Village.

After reaching the forest, I climbed up onto my favourite scouting branch and watches the area below as the sun shone above me.

This kinda reminds me of those days...before she left me in the dust.


I bounced into my Judo club, Pinewood Judo club, eager to see my best friend and enjoy another training session with my best friend and training partner of many years.

I signed in an looked up and saw her walking past.

"Hey!" I greeted as we did our greeting, a brofist and then a high five.

Our coach called us to the mat and after the whole class and I bowed, I stood up and walked over to the usual spot that we trained in.

That's when it happened.

Instead of walking over to me as usual, she walked over to Jenny and started training with her. I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to either.

Over the rest of the session, I kept looking over to her, seeing her laughing with Jenny. I guessed the reason why.

She believed she was to good for me, her level of talent higher and she didn't need me anymore.

Only after I got home did I cry.

*end of flashback*

That was 5 years ago now, and I lost my best friend/sister that day.

A tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it away and shook off the memories.

It was getting dark and just as I was about to climb down, I heard a twig snap.

Someone was down there.

Zane's POV

"I'm going for a walk" I shouted as I got off the ship and climbed down the anchor to the ground below.

I needed to clear my head and be alone. Kiera hasn't woken from her comatose state for 2 months now, and Kai and Antonia have been sat by her side the whole time.

They would take shifts, sitting next to her bed, talking to her, keeping her updated with the world. They say that people in coma's can hear you, so that's why.

I walked through the peaceful woods like I have on several occasions when I needed time alone.

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't been paying attention to where I was, and I don't recognise this part of the woods. I'm lost... Time to activate my location tracker.

I walked over to a good sized tree, stepping on a twig on the way. I stepped onto a pile of leaves and before I knew what was happening, I was suddenly lifted up by my foot and a rock smashed into my head, and I blacked out.

------------a while later-------------

Ugh my head hurts... what was that earlier?

My systems rebooted and I slowly opened my eyes...well f**k.

I'm tied to a chair, my weapons and hoodie gone and I can't move as these ropes are tight.

I start to struggle, panicking not knowing where I was when I heard the unmistakeable sound of a bow and arrow been drawn, I froze I fear.

"Who are you and what are you doing here! Who do you work for!" snarled someone who I couldn't see.

"Wh-huh? What?" I answered, confused.

"Do you work for them? The cat people" demanded the voice.

"What! Fuck no, I'd rather die than work for those bastards!" I yelled, furious at the accusation.

"Oh alright then, you seem legit" said the voice as the speaker stepped into the light.

Oh my... my captors a girl... a pretty one at that. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She's quite tall and she has pale skin. She's wearing a simple getup, a brown hoodie and camo trousers with combat boots.

"You done eye-raping me yet?" She laughed as I began to blush.

"Here, let me untie you" she said as she untied me and gave me my stuff back.

"So, what's your name?" She asked me as I put my hoodie back on.

"My name is Zane, what's yours?" I asked.

"My name is Holly Rosewood" she replied.

----------later that evening---------

"So let me get this straight, the ninja of ice and you can do spinjitzu?" asked for confirmation.

"Yes that's correct" I replied.

I was about to say something when my vision blurred and my knees buckled and gave out from underneath me. I could roughly see Holly's panicking face as she knelt by me, shouting my name. But I couldn't hear her voice. I only heard that deep mysterious voice in my head.

Nature and sun go together,

the sun isn't gone forever.

When ice and nature collide,

the new ninja shall will provide,

friendship and love for all elements.

The ninja of nature has been found,

last name of Rosewood is around,

Pinewood trees, and the search has begun.

The voice faded from me as did my consciousness.

Holly's POV

"Zane! Holy shit!" I cried in shock when I saw his eyes fog over and he collapsed. Kneeling down next to him, I shouted his name and shook his shoulders but got no response.

"Zane! Wake up! Don't close your eyes!" I shouted as I saw his eyes beginning to shut. They shut.

"Wake up!" I shouted, shaking him again. Still no response.

Sighing, I hauled him up and sorta dragged him onto the sofa of my house.

"Ugh that was weird" he groaned after an hour or so.

"What the hell was that?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said.

"Uhhh, I don't think it's my place to tell you but if you come with me, you'll find out, please?" he said.

"Ok fine" I replied as he got up and walked outside.

Then he pulled out this gold sword handle and much to my disbelief, a blade of ice shot out the end. He then held it in both hands and a with a white burst of light, the sword turned into a bike.

That's right, a fricking bike!

"Holy shit" I gasped in awe.

"Hop on!" He said whilst smiling.

Climbing on behind him, I put my arms around his waist and it just felt right. I felt tingles where our skin touched.

He reved the engine and then drove off into the distance.

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