Chapter 2 - The Prophecy

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Chapter 2

Sensei's POV

Since the boys where being partially bothersome today, I decided to meditate in my special meditation room. The boys had just got this new game, Assassins Creed: Black Flag, and they've been arguing who's a better assassin and things like that.

After setting up my scented smoke set, I positioned myself in a comfortable position and lit the sticks. I became one with the smoke, drifting into a peaceful state of mind.

Suddenly, a vision came to me out of the smokes. I hadn't seen a vision in months so this was a bit shocking.

In the smokes I saw the sun and moon, then they slowly turned into 2 different shapes... as the image focused more, I realised that they were 2 ninja!

The first one was from the sun, she (I could clearly tell from the image it was a she) wore a light yellow ninja suit that had golden sun ray patterns on it and held the golden Staff of Day. She had pale skin and greeny blue eyes. Above her, a small scroll had the name 'Kiera Day' inscribed on it.

The other ninja, was from the moon. She wore a dark purple, almost black, ninja suit with a silver star pattern on it. She held the silver Mace of Night in her hands. I noticed that she was more tanned than the sun ninja and she had brown eyes instead. On get scroll, it had 'Antonia Knight' on it.

Before I could get a closer look, the image shifted back to smoke and I heard a mysterious voice coming out of what seemed like nowhere. It said:

"Day and Night have been found,

Whilst a new enemy has come around.

Sun and Moon will work together,

With other elements makes it better.

Claws strike, jaws bite,

Cats emerge with feline mite.

If Sun fades, all hope is lost,

Unless the Felineti are shown who's boss."

As suddenly as it had started, the vision stopped leaving me gasping for air. Without thinking I grabbed a pen and paper and quickly scribbled down the prophecy whilst it was fresh in my mind.

I went to the secret alcove in the wall where I had originally found Lloyds ninja suit, I discovered that there were 2 new ninja suits in there... One was light yellow, the other dark purple.

Well then, looks like the boys have a mission. To find the new ninja, Kiera and Antonia.

Kai's POV

Me and the rest of the lads were watching Cole playing Assassins Creed: Black Flag, which he fails at. He was currently trying to assassinate this dude but kept getting caught by guards and getting his arse kicked.

Snorting to stop myself from bursting out laughing, I bent double laughing at Cole's fail. Obviously he heard me and turned around with a grumpy face.

"What's do funny Kia?" He demanded.

"Oh nothing, just your epic failing at being an assassin" I retorted.

Before Cole could come up with a witty comeback (cough cough sarcasm cough cough), Nya burst into the room in a fluster.

"Come quick guys! Sensei has seen a new prophecy!" she blurted out.

Finally! It's been ages since we've had something to do!

On arriving in Sensei's room, Jay asked Sensei the question that was on everyone's mind:

"What did you see Sensei?"

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