Chapter 3 - Five guys in pyjamas

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Cole's POV

"What did you see Sensei?" Jay asked as soon as we got to Sensei's meditation room.

"I saw 2 new ninja and a new enemy" Sensei replied.

Wait...WHAT! 2 new ninja! Wow... I wonder who they are. Hold on, a new enemy? Why is that when there's a new ninja, there's a new enemy! It's kinda Jay.

"New ninja? But Sensei, who are these people and enemy?" Zane inquired being the curious nindroid he is.

"Well Zane, I'm glad you asked. The 2 new ninja are the ninja of Day and Night. The new enemy are the Felineity." Sensei said.

Day and Night

"Sensei, would you like us to go and find them? Where do they live?" Kai asked being to idiot that he is.

"Of course he wants us to go find then you idiot! Why would he call is here if he didn't want us to find then!" I said to Kai to let him know that what he said was rather stupid.

"Oh is that right Cole? Well then-"

Kai started to say by was cut off by Sensei.

"Enough! You two are bickering like children! Zane, here is the address of both the ninja. Off you go now, I wish to meditate in peace" Sensei cut in before sending us off to find the new ninja.

I wonder who those guys are.

Kiera's POV

Since it was the weekend, neither of us had work so we could have a long lazy breakfast. After finishing my cereal, I heard a knock on the door.

"Do you want to get it or should I?" Anto asked with a mouth full of Wheatabix.

"I'll get it" I replyed.

On opening the door, I saw a rather surprising scene. I saw 5 guys standing in our doorway wearing ninja suits which looked a bit like pyjamas. Smirking to myself I decided to crack a joke.

"Sorry guys, wrong place. The Pyjama convention is 2 blocks down to the left" I giggled.

One of the guys stepped forward. He was the Red one.

"Does Kiera Day and Antonia Knight live here? We need to speak with then." he asked nervously.

"Well you've certainly come to right place. Your speaking to Kiera, how may I help?" I responded with a small smirk.

The white one came forward and I could instantly tell he was the smart one.

"Excuse me Kiera, but would you so kind as to let us in so we may have a private conversation? He asked very politely.

"Why of course!" I said as I opened the door fully to let them all in.

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