" on rainy days like these "

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starring: human!makkachin
disclaimer: i do not own any of the characters. headcanon/s may or may not be mine, but the rightful owners will always be given credit. i only own the plot (except if i've taken a reference--the rightful owner will still be given credit).
heads-up: these one shots may or may not be unedited. if unedited, i will edit it when i have time. all grammatical errors and spelling errors will be corrected by then.



on rainy days like these, she wouldn't leave her bed. wrapped in a blanket, room dark like last night, she'd enjoy the coldness of the day as she watch documentaries about the zodiac killer. she'd only leave her room if she wanted to go to the bathroom, or get something to eat. she would take a bath later, when the rain subsides. she went back to her room, watched again and repeat.

on rainy days like these, she'd put her phone on silent, she didn't want to be disturbed. she'd set her phone aside to watch anime or movies on her laptop, still not bothering to move a lot. rainy days like these were the most peaceful days, where there were no viktors to bother her.

speaking of viktor, it made her wonder where he went, or what could he be doing on rainy days like these.

she shook her head and dismissed the thought. indeed, rainy days like these were days where she could lay on her bed and do nothing all day. rainy days like these were truly the best kinds of days.

but rainy days like these had its own ends, you see. three hours or four hours later, the sun would show up again, and the clouds would leave the earth damp with its tears. and by then, she had to start moving. she had to clean up her room, and take a bath. she had to eat proper lunch, and she had to be out of her room. she had to help viktor with whatever he needs, because rainy days like those already ended.

every time she looked outside the window, she'd frown because it was already a little sunnier. but then, her frown would turn into a small, contented smile.

because there would always be a rainbow, shining bright, but would fade in a few minutes.

it reminded her again, that on rainy days like those, she was fully able to satisfy herself.

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