Zodiac Signs Story #7

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The Signs Stuck In An Elevator Together

Aries: *Never ending, loud groaning at everyone inside*

Taurus: *Pulls out a picnic basket out of nowhere* Alright people, gather round. I'm gonna say grace.

Gemini: One time I saw this show where this one girl stepped inside an elevator but the floor was missing so she fell to her death. Lol

Cancer: *Stares blankly at Gemini* *Bursts into tears*

Leo: I better not die in this dirty elevator! My death need to mean something.

Virgo: *Doing deep breathing exercises in the corner*

Libra: *Secretly checking everyone out* *mumbles* I have the best face here. *tries hard not to smile* *fails*

Scorpio: Nobody fucking touch me

Sagittarius: *planning who they are going to kill first* *whispers* Oxygen...my precious

Capricorn: I mean I'm not expert but this is bad guys

Aquarius: So many people... too many people... need space... need air... *starts to hyperventilate*

Pisces: *Whisper screaming at the door*

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