The Signs As New Girls

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Aries: Probably hot AF and everyone gets crushes on him/her

Taurus: Seems quiet at first but when you get to know him/her you find out he/she has a killer sense of humor.

Gemini: Really talkative, makes lots of friends very quickly

Cancer: Shy and very cute, gets adopted into lots groups

Leo: So loud and confident that everyone will know who she/he is in within the first hour

Virgo: Really nice and smart, everyone loves her/him

Libra: Like Gemini, very talkative and makes lots of friends

Scorpio: Sexy AF, wears short skirts and wears lipstick probably and gets told off by all the teachers, but that makes her more popular

Sagittarius: Great sense of humor and really witty

Capricorn: Very very smart, but the teachers really like her/him

Aquarius: A little bit weird and quirky, good at art

Pisces: Really shy but cute AF, probably adopted into a big group

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