The Special

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____________Ten Facts____________

1. Aries might be emotionally detached sometimes, but they still love you a lot more than you think.

2. Aries hate taking directions from people and much prefer to do it themselves or figure it out on their own.

3. Misunderstandings in love and expectations can happen frequently for an Aries.

4. Aries have a better sense of life than others.

5. As an Aries people seem to forget just how friendly and...

generous you can be.

6. An Aries can be hard to handle,but if you look beneath the surface you will find a warm person with a huge heart.

7. Aries hate taking directions from people and much prefer to do it themselves or figure it out on their own.

8. As an Aries when you want something you will get it. It may not be right then and there,but you will make it your mission to get it.

9. Aries not only talks the talk they build the path to walk the walk.

10. Aries have a low tolerance for people purposely trying to irritate them.

1. A Taurus woman's biggest fear is sudden drastic changes to her daily routine.

2. A Taurus woman will seldom seek out another Taurus as her partner.

3. A Taurus is practical and has good common sense.

4. A Taurus will simply ignore those who have upset her rather than trying to get even.

5. Intelligence in her partner will be high on the...

requirement list of a Taurus woman.

6. A Taurus will always keep your secret safe.

7. Taurus always keep their thoughts organised.

8. Taurus are very connected to the needs of their body. More so than any other sign as we are the most sensitive.

9. Tauruses have the most patience.

10. Taurus are a loyal friend and faithful enemy.

1. A Gemini female can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive.

2. As a Gemini One of your greatest problems in a relationship is understanding how other people feel.

3. Gemini women cheer many up because they are free little spirits.

4. Gemini secretly hide their emotions.

5. As well as wanting thrills and adventure in a relationship, Gemini also...

craves security and stability.

6. A Gemini woman will see through someone straight away.

7. Gemini is a social network freak and will check for mentions, tweets, tags or notifications before going to bed!

8. Gemini is a secret manipulator (they always get their own way without a scene).

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