Chapter 3: Many Meetings

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"Mys, lets go!" Jack yelled up the stairs.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and twirled around till I faced the door. I ran down the first flight of stair and did my grand entrance on the second flight by sliding down the banister, and into the main room in the lodging house. The room was full of the 'Hattan newsies chatting and goofing around with each other. Of course, they were all waiting on me.

"Finally she's here. Your majesty" Jack bowed and greeted me. Crutchy, Davey, and Mush burst into laughter and I punched Jack hard in the shoulder.

"Hey, now I needs that arm"

"That's for this morning" I snapped while smiling.

"Oooo" some of the newsies gawked when they saw what I did. I squinted and glared around the room at them. A couple of them laughed. They never took me very seriously since I was a girl and it pissed me off. None of the boys ever picked on me, except Jack, but they always teased and underestimated me. I'll get 'em one day, I reassured myself.

"Come on boys" Jack rejoiced.

There was a mad rush out the door and we all ran to get our papes. My lucky number, for no reason whatsoever, was 30 so I always got 30 papes. I waited in line between Race and Mush. Jack was in front of Race and glanced back to make sure I had made it. Like a big brother, Jack was pretty protective of me. I didn't mind, except when it interfered with my plans.

"Heya Jack. You goin' ta Medda's tonight?" Race said placing his hands on Jack's shoulders.

"Of course I am! Whataya thinkin'?" Jack said back with a grin.

Medda's? Tonight? Why wasn't I kept in the loop? I thought. "Mush?" I said turning around slowly, "What's at Medda's?"

"What's at Medda's? Do ya live under a rock or somethin'?" he smirked as he skipped me in line.

Once I got my papes I headed straight for Jack. He definitely had something to do with this. I trudged over to him and stood in front of him, my arms crossed, glaring.

"What?" he questioned smirking at me.

"Ah, Medda's?" I said rising my eyebrows at him.

"Oh... It's a newsie get together. 'Hattan, Brooklyn, and Queens will be there."

"Why didn't yous tell me?" I stated, getting a bit agitated.

"Cause yous trouble" Jack said smirking.

"Come on! That's not fair! You didn't even give me a chance." Jack was right though, I am trouble. One way or another I always start something. "Please, Jack? Besides it will give me a chance to get to know the rest of the newsies." I said.

"Alright" he said sighing and rolling his eyes.

I smiled and began shouting "John Hay promoting trade with China! Page 4!" and walked away to sell my papes.

The day went by relatively fast after I sold all my papes. I was downstairs in the main room watching a few of the boys play some poker. No matter how many people tried to teach me, I sucked at poker. Jack entered the room and I glanced up at him smiling.

"Yous ready Mys?"

"Yup, just give me a few. I's have ta tighten my bandage" I said walking away to a corner. I unbuttoned my plaid shirt and give the bandage around my chest a solid tug.

"Yous need help there?" Race said walking up behind me and giving me a wink.

"Grow up" I scowled at him.

A Spot Conlon Fanfiction: Mystic LoveWhere stories live. Discover now