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"Boss, it's been three months. I don't think he's gonna talk this time."

The room sat in a dim yellow light, the city lights peering in and covering Lavender and his men.

"He will." Lavender cleared his throat and grabbed a small box on his desk. "They usually come around." He flipped a latch or two and the box opened. "Besides, I haven't been home in a while. We'll get to him." He pulled out a miniature boat, the hull fully built but the mast and deck still in pieces. "Do me a favor, will you?" Lavender said as he pulled out a small set of tools. "Tell Dad I'm home."

The men nodded as two of them left, one remained taking his hat off and rubbing the back of his head. "After you guys are done with that take the Dust Compounds to containment and leave. You can go home after."

"How did you-"

"Cus' I did, now can you fucking leave now!?" He nodded and put his hat back on, shutting the metal door slowly. "Fuckin' christ." Lavender said underneath his breath. He put the tools on the table and put them evenly together, everything perfectly adjacent.


"Shut your trap." Lavender sat up from the desk and rubbed his temple.

"You can't blame me. You don't talk to anyone, you constantly talk to yourself; you got a voice in your head that calls you names. Major anger issues. Need I say more?"

Lavender reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pill bottle.


He undid the lid and poured it into his hand, nothing but air hitting his palm.

"Can't shut me up this time."

Lavender sighed in frustration as he put the lid back on the bottle and sat it down on the desk. The phone rang as he reached into his pocket once more and pulled out a hankerchief.
"Yeah?" He said as he pulled it to his ear. "Cops awake Boss." Lavender coughed into the hankerchief, "okay, be there in ten." He hanged up the phone before taking a deep breath and grabbing the tiny boat off the desk before tossing the desk to its side.

"Does it ever get old knowing I'm right all the time."

"Makes no difference to me. I'm not a voice and I have a body." A few seconds went by and Lavender coughed up more spit. "That shut you up? Good." He walked past his mess and grabbed his hat off the coat rack, grabbing the old metal doorknob and twisting it ever so slightly; The door creeking as he opened it up.

"Let's pay our friend a little visit."
Lavender walked down the hall, the pleasant smell of flower petals becoming Less and less apparent as he got closer to a locked room. A soft beeping escaping the cracks between the door and its hinges. Shadows playing underneath the doorway as a light began to fade in and out of the creases of the door.

He walked in and was blinded by the light, one of the mobsters hooking wires and other assortments into what was left of the officers skin. The body stayed strapped to a metallic chair, his body stiff and rough as the men put the last of the equipment on.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" Lavender said in falsetto, "Kept us waiting, ain't that right boys?" The men just chuckled as they walked away from the chair, one of them smacking the back of the policemans already cracked and burnt head.
"Boy, you've missed a lot. So let me fill you in."

The wires began to glow a soft white as the machine began to beep quietly. Lavender took a chair from behind him and took a seat in front of the "You've been asleep for a while, left me some time to get some business done."

 RWBY - The Vendetta's WebTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon