CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Eye of the beholder

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The school resonated with the sound of students talking to one another in the classroom's. The building seemed to wheeze as dust seeped through the ceiling.

The branches swayed above the sky as Lavender stared blankly out the window. He felt the light touch his rough skin as the sound of birds chirped loudly outside.

Further Into the courtyard, a grey man sat silently on a flat, brown bench. A murder of crows surrounding the bench and perching atop the seat.

'One crows sorrow'

'Two crows joy'

'Three crows a girl'

'Four crows a boy.'

'Five crows silver,'

'Six crow's gold,'

'Seven crow's a secret never to be told.'

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lavender said as the birds began to consume the man in a flurry of feathers and distant caw's.

After a few short seconds all that was left were bloodstains across the bench.

Lavender rubbed his sore eyes and turned from the window, 'You are seeing things again,' the voice said as Lavender folded his hands behind his back.

'It's hitting you quicker this time.'

'Maybe you should let me have my turn right now.'

"As long as I can move I'll be ok, I don't need your pity."

Lavender winced in pain as he felt his shoulders, a searing jolt making it's way down his spine.

"Besides, it's not as bad this time."

Lavender walked along the wall, feeling the fire dance on his back.

"I'll be fine."

The late bell rang loudly as Lavender walked down the hall and into a large classroom.

"Ah, Mr. Munzell!," A portly man with a grey mustache raised his arm, inviting him into his classroom.
"It's not like Professor Ozpin to keep students that long during passing periods, but since you've had an eventful morning I'll give you a pass."

"Now come, we are about to do our first class assessment!"

The classroom groaned in unison as the teacher put his arm down and gestured him towards an empty seat with him and his team in the middle of the classroom, on the right of the table sat team RWBY and to the left sat team JNPR.

"That took longer than expected," Reyah said as she unwrapped a red sucker and popped it into her mouth.
"Shut it woman, we'll talk about this later," Lavender said as he pulled a chair from the table and took a seat.

"My name is professor Port, I am here to teach you about the wonders of hunting and the study of our world's most dangerous beast's."

"And that would be?.."

Lavender raised his scarred, cinnamon hand.

"Yes Mr.Munzell?"


Prof Port looked at Lavender and nodded his head slightly, "You are correct my dear boy!"

"And with that introduction of our greatest foe, it is now our turn!"

"Everyone make there way down to the middle of the class in teams and introduce yourselves and your weapons."

Ruby's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when The classrooms stage floor opened up and the small doors swung open.

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