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"What's the problem this time?" Lavender said as he straightened sleeves on his black jacket, the creases quickly disappearing like white on paper.
"Victor's in a little bit of a trouble at the library!"
Lavender took a deep breath as he watched Drake attempt to catch his.
"Come!" Lavender exclaimed as walked towards the door, "Don't want a bad reputation on the first day now would we?"
He then grabbed Drake by the collar and dragged him out the doorway and into the hallway.
"Hurry up woman!" Lavender yelled down the hall, "Can't leave the crowd without a show can we!?"
Reyah unbuttoned the top three buttons on her uniform, letting out a generous amount of cleavage.
"The asshole is always on the move isn't he?"

About five minutes later the rest of the team showed up at the library with crowds blocking the doorway inside.

The crowds whispered in anticipation as the metal giant pushed Victor back, the coffee in his hands still intact and warm.
"This is a nice little crowd we have here!" Lavender said as he walked past the crowd and next to the two.
"What's the problem here?" Lavender asked as he tightened his tie around his neck.
"He was messing with your new friend!" Victor then pointed to a bruised Jaune, his uniform all dirty and a little blood on his lip.
Lavender sighed as he pulled out his Hankerchief and gave it to Jaune,
"Reyah" Lavender said as he turned around, "Take my new friend and get him cleaned up."
Lavender then put his hand out and waited for Jaune to put out his, "Thank you." He whispered as Drake helped him to Reyah.
"Now on to more important matters"
Lavender said as he walked to Victor.
"Which coffee is mine?"
Victor looked at Lavender quizzically, trying to figure out if he had lost his mind or was completely unaware of the situation.
He then picked up a coffee and gave it to Lavender, the crowds silently whispering as he sipped the coffee out of the styrofoam cup.

"So, you first assault a new acquaintance of mine."

The crowds thinned out creating a large circle around the behemoth and Lavender.

"Then you assault my teammate."

Lavender then walked over to the beast and looked up, the man towering at 6'4" and himself 6'1".
"Who the Hell do you think you are?"
The man said while cracking his knuckles menacingly, Lavender took another long sip of the coffee then threw the rest of it in his face.
The crowd gasped as the man shouted in pain as the coffee scalded his face.

"The Cavalry."

"You're going to regret that!"
He then whistled calling three other men, all smirking while pulling thier weapons out as the drew closer to they're caller.
Lavender took two steps back as the crowd widened only to reveal Mr Ozpin and Ms Glynda watching silently.

"You two, here, now!" Glynda yelled as the group began to back up slightly, "Everyone!" Mr Ozpin said after he sipped his coffee, "please go find your designated classes, there is nothing to see here."

The beast and Lavender stood there waiting until the crowd disbanded and his friends disappeared.
Glynda looked at her scroll swiftly, quickly identifying the two.
"Cardin Winchester" she said aloud, her scroll faintly lighting up her face.
"And I believe we already met Mr. Munzell?" Ozpin said swishing his hot beverage with a pen.
"What seems to be the problem boys?"

Glynda gave Cardin a few napkins to dry himself off, every dab of the napkin hitting his skin seemed like pain as he winced with each swipe.
"A perfectly good cup of coffee wasted I see" Ozpin said as he took the pen out of his drink and took another long sip.

"What do you think your punishment shall be?" Ozpin said as he held his warm mug to his chest, "It's the first day of semester and some people can't seem to stay out of trouble."
Glynda stared at lavender's face as he gave a quick smile to the headmaster, "Shall I expell them Headmaster?"
She then quickly pulled her scroll up to her face getting the documents ready.
Professor Ozpin sighed as he fixed his glasses and looked at Lavender quizzically, "Do you have something in mind Mr. Munzell?"

"Nothing professor, just smiling for the occasion."

The headmaster nodded in agreement, "Indeed it is Mr. Munzell, that is why the two of you will spend your first period settling this."
Glynda put her scroll down quickly and stared at Ozpin in disbelief.

"Sir" Glynda said while putting her scroll to her side, "With all due respect, these two have broken the rules on the first day and will only cause more havoc if we don't make an example of them!"

Ozpin looked at Lavender and Cardin and sighed a little.
"It seems that Ms. Glynda is right boys, we are here to prepare you for the cruel path ahead of you."
He then began walking down towards the door and opened it with his cane,
"It seems only fair that we give you student's a taste before you go on with your day."

Glynda then began walking Ozpin almost in sync, "Come" he said while looking at Cardin and Lavender.
The birds chirped as they flew by the library, the sun beaming down on the campus.

After a few minutes of walking inside the main building Ozpin stopped at a rather large classroom door.
Before he could reach for the doorknob Glynda walked in front of him and opened the large doors only to find that there were almost over dozen students loudly talking over each other.
Ms. Glynda took three steps into the room and within the minute each row of the room seizing to speak, her heels echoing as she walked to the front of the classroom.

"Children" Ozpin said as he walked into the room with Cardin and Lavender, all was quiet as he spoke, his voice filled the room.
"I know your morning has had quite the start and you all want to know what disciplinary action will be held against these students."
The crowd stared at Ozpin in complete silence.
"I and all the staff are here to teach and prepare you for what's to come, but with every school, comes a certain set of rules."

"Some students will chose to follow and obey these rules and survive this cruel world, but to those of you who don't-"

Ozpin stopped for a second and glared at Lavender, his wire glasses reflecting the soft light of the pale room.

"Find a far more crueler fate in store for them."

"You all have untapped potential ready to set the foundation for the new world and we are here to show you the way to do so."

Ozpin raised his cane and pointed at the front of the classroom, the floor rose from the ground creating a large stage.
"If you all want to survive this world you first have to experience it's impurities."

Two small swivel doors opened slowly as the last of the ground level disappeared showcasing a large stone tile stage, it's grey color reflecting off the harsh stage lights.

"Just like life, this match will be harsh and unforgiving."

Lavender and Cardin walked towards the stage getting ready to enter the field, "I expect you two to be the same."

Cardin cracked his knuckles loudly and glared at Lavender, "Let's go little guy!"

A small group of people in the far right corner of the classroom cheered for Cardin as he entered the stage, Lavender took another few steps forward towards the door when a hyperactive red head and a familiar green top caught his eye.
"Go Lavender!" Nora shouted as she jumped up and down, Ren nodded as he looked at Lavender.
"You got this Lavender!" The twins said as they stood up a row below Ren and Nora, Reyah looked at Lavender and smiled as she winked at him, "don't mess up!"

Lavender rolled his eyes as he stepped on to the stage and watched both thier names appear on the giant screen over the stage.

"Goodluck gentlemen"

 RWBY - The Vendetta's WebOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora