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'Deep. Deeper. Deepest.'

Lavender stared up at the ceiling of the elevator. The lime green light buzzing away, flickering ever so slightly. Wavering as the time passed by. The old brown wallpaper of the room was aged, the paper was peeled off and curled. Time truly did a number on the building.

"Fucks that supposed to mean?"

The buzzing off the room only grew louder and louder as Lavender reached into his pocket and coughed into his hankerchief once more. The more he hacked up the louder the noise grew when suddenly the light flickered once and left him in complete darkness, the soft hum of the elevator still going despite it stopping in place.
"What now?" Lavender pulled put his lighter and flicked it on, the tiny flame waving in the dark of the elevator. He turned his head to the right showing his reflection, the flame whisking up, spiraling until it dissappeared for a moment. When the flame reappeared, the glass began to crack; revealing a disfigured reflection of himself. The elevator creaked as something banged on the outer shell of the room. A loud "tap tap tap" danced around on the outside not before stopping on the top. The elevator hatch creaked open, the cable wires moaning as the air playfully dashed by.

'Perhaps you were right about something not feeling right.'

The glass began fracture once more, stopping as a figure began to fade in  behind Lavender. It got closer, breathing onto his neck. The corpse of the officer stood behind him, his head split adjacently open. Pieces of flesh ripped to shreds, not one cut the same.

It's skin a pale white, blots of dark green scattered across its body what was left of its face. The cadaver opened its sickly mouth in an attempt to speak; to no avail, nothing.

'Ironically, the dead say a lot.'

The body shook loosely, like a puppet on a string. Loud cracks between each shake.

'This one was dying already. Disease of the lung. Black lung.'

A dirt green liquid began to drip off the sides of its mouth, gurgling as it lopped its head to the side.

'If it makes any difference to you, they were dying before we got to them. We were just doing them a kindness.'

The body threw its head back, the body following with it. The dark swallowing the corpse as quickly as it spit it out.

'We are helping them. Understand?'

"You're saying that thinking I feel bad for the bastards."

Lavender blinked, one, two, three seconds passed before opening them up again.
The lights flickered back on, the glass unbroken; the elevator hatch still closed. Everything untouched. "They could be the president and I'd still have to put them down. Business is still business." It chuckled softly as the elevator kicked back up again, the descent giving a heavy drop in lavender' stomach.

After a minute or two, the elevator stopped in its tracks. The doors cracked open revealing a long soft white hallway, the floor a velvet red and the walls a Checkered black and Grey tile. "Home sweet home." Lavender said underneath his breath, soft music played as people moved in and out from distant rooms. He walked down the hallway, keeping his eyes on the floor.
Lavender counted the tiles on the wall as he walked by them, an equal number between each door. "One, two, three."
He kept counting until he made it to the end of the hallway. The tiles stopping in there tracks and turning to Grey concrete as he made it to the back end of the hall.
The walls reached out to the ceiling, revealing a giant auburn door. The woodwork old and used, a picture of the sun and moon colliding with one another. A castle town painted to reenact a horrible tragedy. Towards the bottom was a hastily scrawled out message, only half barely readable:

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