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The sound of crashing waves filled the air as Lavender woke from his sleep, in the distance, the collapsing of mortar shells painted the sky on a far off island. Lavender quietly stood up and looked around, no longer being inside the academy.

Lavender began taking cautious steps foward, small ripples being pushed aside from his feet as he moved forward towards the barrage of lights in the sky.
Lavender opened his mouth, unable to utter a word as he watched smoke lifting off of the island. The faint sound of screaming echoed off its shores as a pale woman stood on the beach. Her skin, a chalk white, her eyes a Crimson red.

She stepped forward onto the beach, water rippelling off of itself as she began to part the waters away, not a single droplet falling onto her silken black clothing. By the time she had made it to the water, a giant hole was ripped open mere feat in front of Lavender. Startled, Lavender began to move back, tripping over his feet and falling on his back. The woman walked forward, the sky going from dusk to dawn. The sun and moon flickered in and out of the sky until they finally met in the middle. A giant beam of light flashed right before him, after a few seconds, the blinding light began to slightly fade; revealing three outstretched arms reaching out from within the hole.

"I see you."

Lavender stared at the woman for a moment, her dark Crimson eyes piercing through his very soul. Fear ran throughout his body, twisting and turning into every nook and cranny of him. Lavender attempted to jerk away, he tried to get up and run away but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The woman brought forth her hand, and with a wave of her fingers, the water around them began to twist and turn, creating long strips of chains to be strung about Lavender's body. The sky began to physically crack open, the universe unfurling before his very eyes, flashes of light blinding him temporarily as the chains began to pull. Slowly, dragging him into the dark sea as he tried to scream out.

The sun and moon began to part, revealing four young women staring at him as he began to be swallowed by the murky depths, each carrying symbols I'm their arms.

One of Sun.

One of Moon.

One of Snow.

One of Stone.

They each began to mutter incessantly, unintelligible, as the sky's opened up and brought about a blood red dusk. Lavender's lungs began to fill up with salt water, the feeling that all the air in his lungs were being squeezed out of him.
A different voice called out:

"They've had enough! Stop it!"

Lavender's Vision sputtered out as the chains slowly began to pull In the opposite direction, pulling his limbs off piece by piece. The ocean slowly filling with blood as Lavender quickly jolted up from his nightmare drenched in sweat, the room was decently empty; some students still getting prepared for the day ahead of them

Lavender took a deep breath and hopped up, grabbing his bag and walking away from his bed and into the restroom. "Hell of a dream." Lavender said to himself as he turned the faucet on, cold water quickly flowed into the porcelain bowl as he dipped his hands in and splashed his face.

Lavender reached into his bag and grabbed a small white towel, wiping his face down and looked into his tired eyes.
He ran his hands down his pale cheeks and began preparing for the day, before he reached into the bag once more, he noticed a yellow post-it note on the front flap of his bag.

'Morning boss! In case your reading this they had called everyone to the locker rooms across the academy. Initiation starts at noon. See you there!

-V. Underwell.'

Lavender quickly reached into his bag and pulled out his scroll and turned it on, the blue light shining off the pocket. The clock mockingly read 11:05am.

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