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Let's start from the top, where it all began." The soft tick from the metronome moved back and forth, the therapist writing down some notes as Lavender stared at the ceiling. Small black blots covering most of it, signs of wear and tear over the years of living In the place.

Lavender sighed in Irritation as he turned his head for a second and shot a glare at the him. "Do I have to?" He moved his back and started to count the blots again. "Father insisted that you vent out this aggression in a different manner. Not since you put the punching bag out of commission. So, I'm afraid your stuck with this option. Unless you think staying inside is a better use of your time?"

'It doesn't sound like he's bluffing Nimb. I'd take him seriously.'

Lavender arched his eyebrows and brought his hand to his face, dragging his pale, cold Fingers down. "Everything went smoothly during the set up, I double checked everything from doors, to the food, to the people eating around us. We were supposed to be safe."

The therapist jotted down on the clipboard, not before sifting through some other papers and looking up and giving a soft "Go on."

"They were late like usual and I got scolded, pulled outside, given a gift and brought back inside." Lavender reached into his breast pocket and pulled the stone out, "Don't even know what the damn thing does still." He held it above his eyes, looking at its edges and its glint.

The overhead light reaching into the stone and playing in between its crevasses.
"Then we went in-" The therapist looked up from his board and tapped his pen. "That's when it happened."

Lavender narrowed his eyes and sighed, "I could've done something. I could've saved her." The doctor jotted down something for a few seconds before picking up a few  papers on and reading a small blot of notes. "How do you feel about that?"

Lavender sat there in silence, trying to dodge the question. The "tick tick tick" of the metronome obnoxiously screaming out.
"It makes me feel-." The therapist said slowly, "I don't know! Don't think I know the word for it." Lavender said as he turned his head, he put the stone back into his breast pocket.
"My guess, is that your feelings of resentment and hate for your mother stopped you from moving to her aid."
Lavender's face went sour as he glared at the therapist. "I'm guessing I hit a nerve?"

"You watch your fucking next few words Doc."

The therapist wrote more on the clipboard, "I'll take that as a yes. Remember, there's nothing wrong with feeling that way Lavender. The mind is a mysterious thing, sometimes, what it does is an unfathomable thing to comprehend. That's where people like me come in and try to pick up the pieces and help people like you find and put back the pieces together and attain peace."

Lavender blew air through his nose, visibly angry. He tapped his heel on the floor, jetting his leg up and down. "Have I told you I hate you?" Lavender said while running his fingers through his peppered hair. "Multiple times sir. You've made it blatantly clear every time we see each other."

The doctor put his board down and reached towards his desk, stopping the metronome from moving with his index finger. "I enjoy our chats together Mr. Munzell. But I'm afraid I have some bad news." He pushed his board to the corner of his desk and clasped his hands together. Lavender turned his head and looked into the doctors eyes, the brown tint reflecting the ceiling light.

"It would seem this would be our last session. Over the time we've spent together you have shown growth despite the fact you still show signs of aggression, but, that is completely understandable from your unique background."

He sighed, clasping his hands together and looking onto Lavender. "We have done great progress to work out some of the problems you have, but still, I cannot disregard the fact that it's progress nonetheless. Your Father is awaiting your arrival at the top floor."
Lavender straightened his head and looked at the therapist. "Did I hear that right? I'm free? You being serious?"
Across the room, a large black door creaked open. Two gangsters walked in and stood equidistant from each other as they waited for their employer. "It's been a pleasure working with you sir." The therapist got up from his seat and walked towards Lavender, "Say hello to Father for me."
His hand outreached, Lavender stood up and gripped his hand firmly. "I'd say it was a pleasure, but I think we'd both know I would be lying to you Doctor." He said while studying the therapist's face, wrinkles outstretched across his cheeks and white peppered across his already declining hairline. "I'm glad we could come to that realization." He smiled as he let go of Lavender's hand and walked back to his desk. "May our paths meet again Mr. Munzell."

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