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Buona Sera." Lavender sang to himself under his breath, tightening his tie and heading out the door. The old scratch of the intercom echoed throughout the hallway, a finely aged voiced singing his heart away. Lavender sang with him softly as he peered his purple eyes up. With the double doors ahead, the sound of chatter and dishware echoed throughout the building. The night was young and the city was waking up. He walked though the doors, watching dozens of people eating to their hearts contents, laughter and the smell of delicious foods filled his senses.

"Their late. Again."

Lavender called over a waiter, she obliged as she walked over and put up a small menu in front of her mouth.

"You have the time?" The waiter raised her arm and checked her watch, "it's about to be six-thirty sir." Lavender sighed in Irritation as he nodded, "Keep the customers busy and happy. And remember; busy smiles" He grinned at the waiter and waved her off, she nodded and quickly scurried away.

'Lots of people tonight.'

"It's good business. It's nice to make money without getting my hands dirty every once and a while." Lavender said as he played with his sleeves. "I hate it when their late."

The front doors swung open, two large men had walked in and held the doors open. Mother walked in first, her chalk white dress following behind her.
A tall scuffed man followed closely behind her, the scars on his face ran straight from his lower cheeks down to his chest. Despite the rest of the restaurant dressed in formal attire, he wore summer wear. Light brown cargo shorts and a floral button up with bright red shades to Match.
"What are you wearing pops?" Lavender said sighing deeply, "You know the rules."

Father laughed heartedly, opening his arms and pulling his son into a warm hug. "It's very warm in Atlas right now, I took an express trip to get here on time." Despite looking like a mean thug, Father's demeanor said otherwise.

A smile always on his face, buzzed and never sober, a face that screams the party never stops. "I've brought back gifts."

Lavender rolled his eyes and ushered them to a table. "Of course you did, come, the foods already prepared Father."
The waiters pulled plates upon plates of food out, each plate a different entrée, meal and course; a banquet fit for kings.
"You've done well my boy! What's the occasion?"

Lavender popped a bottle of wine open and poured for his parents, red slowly landing in silver-esque chalice's. "The occasion is that we finally have control over the whole of outer Beacon."
Father picked his chalice up and turned the cup ever so slightly, watching the wine swirl around.
"With all the Hunters in the area, I thought this would've been harder." Father brought his chalice to his face and took a long sniff, inhaling the scent of the aged drink. "And how are our sales going?" He took a sip and grinned, clearly already buzzed.

Lavender brought up his table knife and started digging into his food, a sizable steak; steaming hot. "Through the roof, we've made past our Qouta since last time. We've taken some of the extra loot and started using it for separate purposes."

"That's good. Have we got any other problems that need to be addressed?"
The clatter of silverware tapped lightly as Lavender cut into his steak, the juices coming from out the sides and onto the plate, covering the rest of the foods with its insides.
"None that I can think of."

Father grunted as he took a sip of his drink and let it fall onto the back of his throat. The Tart taste of a mature mixture, finely aged. "Your mother told me about your little escapade as of recently. Lavender, we've talked about this." Lavender deeply sighed and stopped cutting into his steak, dropping his silverware next to his plate with a loud 'Klang.' "What do I always say hmm?"

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