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'Sure did a number here, didn't they?'

Lavender walked out from the bushes, the leaves softly dragging across his skin as he exited out onto a dirt path. The trees crackled as fire ate through them, wood breaking apart softly as he walked down the path. Lavender grabbed onto his jacket and pulled it off his shoulder, grabbing the sleeves and tying it to his waist.

"It's the woman's damage. She might not be too far."

'How can you be sure? Could've been Xiaolong for all we know.'

Lavender continued forward, tightening his torn sleeves across his waist as he looked upon the torn path.


"Well what? It wasn't. Look at the path, no shells. Means someone else was doing it."

'Or something?'

"Shut up."

Lavender continued up the path until the fire began to die out, dark green forest untouched by the flames behind him.

"Little help?"

His eyebrows arched as he brought his hands to his face, stretching his skin down. "What the hell did I say?"

'Wasn't me this time.'

Lavender looked around, pulling his pistol up to his face and scratching the barrel against his scalp. "Up here!" He looked up, noticing Reyah stuck in a tree.

"Didn't take you as a frills type of girl."

Reyah's face went bright by red as she tried to hide her underwear from him.
Lavender shot the branches above him, watching as the tree let go of her. Lavender opened his arms and caught her, Reyah's face still red as she still shoved her skirt down. "Hi." Reyah squeeked as she looked away, Lavender rolled his eyes and dropped her, dust kicking up as she hit the ground. "Where are the boys?"

Lavender said as he brought his foot up, he swatted at his legs in an attempt to get the dust off his black dress pants. Reyah rubbed her back and pulled herself up, patting down her now dirty clothing.
"I sent them scouting, their looking at the rest of the path." She said as he watched her employer put his weapon into the air and pulled the trigger, bullets racing into the sky, the surrounding wild life vacating the area as a long loud screech echoed throughout the forest.
"You hear that?" Reyah quickly grabbed her Piezo and armed it, Lavender pulling his weapon down once more and disarming his. The pistols quickly shifting away, pushing and pulling until it was compacted enough to turn into a cartridge.

Lavender snapped it onto his belt, watching it turn a dark blue, resonating, vibrating as he breathed deeply in and out through his nose. "It sounds like a challenge. Looks like there's a path ahead, let's go."

They both started to walk along the path, watching as the path began to become more and more damaged, craters began to show up in the dirt along with more damaged tree's. Scorch marks twisting and turning around the area, like there had been a fight.

"Think the boys did this?"

Reyah shrugged for a second before quickly dodging to the side, a giant pair of talons came down from the sky and swooped up Lavender. It threw him up into the air as It's giant pair of wings covered the sky. An unrelenting screech echoed out as it temporarily dropped Lavender again before grabbing onto him. Lavender quickly squirmed and moved around in an attempt to free himself but to no avail, the Grimm held on tight.

'It's been a while since I've seen a Grimm like this. I thought the city had ran them all out."

"Last thing I wanted to fucking see was a Nevermore. God damnit! This day just keeps getting better and better!"

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