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"The nights young, what do you guys want to do?"

With the moonlight shining on the city the feeling of serenity filled the streets. The night at peace as the groups made way towards the center of town.

"We can always go to the park." Ren said as he put his hands behind him.

"The parks close around this hour, I wouldn't recommend it unless we're looking for trouble." Lavender said as he checked his wrist "Half past nine."

"Maybe another restaurant?" Jaune pondered, "we could just order some food and watch some TV."
The teams talked over one another, attempting to think of something better then the last idea.

Yang laughed to herself as they stopped in their tracks. "That all sounds really boring, Let's do something fun!"

"Alright, what do you think we should do then Yang?" Lavender said as he stretched, his spine audibly cracking as he pulled his right arm behind his head and yanked at it.
"Let's go get a drink, I hear it's buy two get two right now."

Lavender thought in silence, his mouth slightly parched and an itch to scratch with an ice cold zombie.
"Well, it has been a while."

Reyah simply fixed her top and sighed, "I could go for a drink or two."

The group stayed silent as the three agreed what they were to do.

'it's going to snow soon.'

"It's mid fall, I don't think it's gonna."

"What was that?"  Yang said as she arched her brow, the sound of far cars whisked by one by one in the distance.

"You can tell us Lavender, I mean I know we just met but we're your new friends."  Nora said as she held onto Ren's arm, "we're going to find out sooner or later."

Lavender sighed as the voice laughed hard, the sound resonating off the back of his head.
He opened his mouth to say something, anything to rebutle but Reyah quickly jumped in.
"It's his semblance, he can't help it sometimes."

"What's his semblance?" Ruby said as she tilted her head.

"You're goin to have to figure that out yourself Red."
Lavender looked up at the moon as the debris surrounding it moved ever so slightly. The shattered pieces chasing each other, almost as if they were playful children making their way through a park.

"I think it's useful, sometimes." Lavender seemingly resenting saying it. 

He sighed as he looked ahead and spotted the bar, lights of red and blue surrounding the area "What happened?"

The group approached the lights as the bar doors were closed with caution tape and an outline of a mangled corpse hanging above.

Dried Blood smeared itself across the door and the outside wall. The corpse
Outlined with dried blood , not a single drop touching it's ripped skin.
The front layer of his suit cut out, his insides seemingly clawed their way out and left a hollow husk of a mangled body atop The buildings doors.
The body being propped up by pieces of metal struck into his hands. The metal bended around to ensure his hands would not be tasting freedom ever again.

Weiss turned to her side and heaved over to the side, throwing up her dinner. Ruby held her as the body seemed to begin to engrave it's unholy sight into her eyes.

"What happened to you?" Lavender said under his breath, Weiss picked herself up from the ground as Ruby helped her up.

Yang stood in Complete silence, staring at the body as it's jaw hung wide open. The cartilage already falling apart, it's cheeks barely hanging on for it's life.


The night was lit up by red and blue lights, the police no where to be found. "
Within the city, a small alarm sounded off. The blaring increasingly getting louder as the sound made it's way from one side of the town to where the group stood.

People made their way out of their  homes and towards the docks, The police no where to be found.
The Townspeople grouped together on the edges of the docks watching as a small light began to give way in the night sky.

"What's happening?" Jaune asked, more and more people made way towards the docks. One of them, dropping their scroll, the screen blood red with the bright words:

"Danger! Stay inside!"

"It's beginning." Lavender whispered under his breath, the light began to grow steadily as the group of people talked over one another.

The light grew larger and larger eventually lighting up the horizon across the ocean, the wind picked up and with it a white substance blowing towards the city.

Little specks of white began to invade the surrounding buildings, each piece covering more than the last.

"Snow? It's barely Fall."

Ruby brought her little hand to her cape and wiped some of it off.

"This isn't snow.."

"Then what is it then?" Weiss wiped her sleeve off as the specks began to fall a bit faster, the pieces getting bigger to the size of coin change.

Before Lavender could say a word the scroll on the floor began to vibrate and show images of a town set ablaze, people running left and right trying to escape the flame. Soon Lavender's scroll began to vibrate, the rest of the groups phones following suit.

The bottom caption reading:

"Free Northwestern town set ablaze, hundreds and counting dead."

"My God" more began to follow, the Townspeople picking up their scrolls and witnessing the horrors upon their screens.

"This isn't snow.." Yang said as she put her arm out to block it, the substance turning her white complexion into a dark grey, Still warm.

The voice began to chuckle, its raucous laughter echoing into Lavenders head.

"It's Ash."

An explosion set off across the ocean, the water rippling as debris flew into the sky and the smoke following it's path.

The voice whispered.

'The smell of flesh.'

'Don't you think their taking it a little too far? They weren't supposed to start yet, another few weeks or so.'

Lavender took a deep breath in, allowing some bits of ash enter his nostrils filling him with great pleasure. He then began to close his eyes and exhale, scratching behind his ear, hoping to hide the fact that he was somewhat into it.

"It's starting, we have to go."

 RWBY - The Vendetta's WebTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang