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Hours passed as Lavender's classes flew by and the sun began to tire, the campus a lovely shade of dark orange and blue.
As the Sun set, the Moon raised itself upwards showcasing it's broken fractures piece by piece into the dying sky.

Lavender silently stood between his team and Ruby's as they left the main building and into the courtyard.
The sun shining it's last aura onto the lot of them before dying out and coloring the sky like a canvas, a splash of red and orange with a midnight blue into the mix.

"It's a Friday night guys, what do you think we should do?"
Lavender continued to stare off into empty space as Ruby reached over and poked him on his shoulder, ultimately startling him.

The twins looked at each other as Lavender glared at her hand and back at her.
Both with uneasy painted faces, "bad move little red.." the twins said in unison.
Ruby retracted her hand as Lavender put his hands behind his back and gave a seemingly genuine smile.
The boys staring in disbelief that he didn't get angry or yell in that matter.

"I do believe I owe my associates a dinner tonight, my treat of course!"

Yang nodded in agreement and put her soft hands on her sister's shoulder.
"Speaking of which, where are we going anyways?"

Lavender was about to speak but was interrupted by the sound of shoes slowly tapping their way closer and closer to the group.
The sound of a cane echoed silently in the night as he turned around and saw Mr. Ozpin and Ms. Glynda exiting the building not more than ten feet away from the open doors.

"Yes, where are you going students?"
Mr. Ozpin said as he gestured Glynda out the door as he awaited patiently for an answer.
"We were about to have dinner together as a celebration of our first day here at this prestigious school."
Lavender said as he turned fully around, Pyrrah quickly turning with him a few seconds after.

"Apologies Professor Ozpin I forgot about our meeting after school."
Pyrrah said as she put her head down in embarrassment.

'That makes the two of you then.'

"No worries Ms. Nikos," Ozpin said as he pulled his stained glasses higher on his face "It seems we have forgotten as well."

Ozpin chuckled as he put his stick in front of him and folded his hands on the head of the cane.
"Now that we are all here I would like to have that chat before we all go on with our nights."
Pyrrah and Lavender nodded in agreement as Glynda passed Ozpin her tablet and gestured her to go away.
As she was walking past her employer Lavender slyly winked at her causing Glynda stared at him with a look of hatred and continued to walk past the group.

"Boys!" Lavender yelled as Ozpin tapped the tablet a few times.
"Escort them to their rooms and get ready to go to dinner, meet me-."
Lavender pulled a holographic white card and a black pen out, beginning to write an address quickly.
"Be there in exactly thirty minutes"
The twins looked at each other and nodded, Drake looked at Lavender and tilted his head slightly.

"You sure?"

Lavender arched his eyebrows quickly and glared at them.
The twin's slowly backing up and pushing the girls towards the dorms..

As the group disappeared into the early night Pyrrah and Lavender stood in front of Ozpin silently as he tapped away at the tablet before breaking what seemed like an eternity of quiet.

"Come with me students."

Ozpin began to walk towards the middle of the schoolyard where a bench stood in the midst of the moon shining upon it.

He then waved his cane at the seat and tapped it lightly.
"Sit, we have much to discuss."

Lavender and Pyrrah both looked at each other before Lavender put his hand out offering her the first seat.
Pyrrah obliged as she walked past him, her Heels making a click as her hips swayed from left to right.
Lavender then followed shortly after but not taking the seat to the right of her, but by standing on the side of the bench.

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