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No one likes a bully...

"Now gentlemen the rules are simple"
Ms. Glynda pointed towards the giant screen above Cardin and Lavender, "The first person to fully deplete the others aura will win the battle."
Both names on the screen then moved to opposing sides and created a large green bar for each of the two.
"On the sound of the horn you may begin."
Lavender took several steps back almost getting to the edge of the arena.


The horn blared loudly as the two charged at each other.
Cardin pulled his weapon of choice, a rather large black mace and took a mighty swing at Lavenders head.

"Rather rude don't you think big guy?"
Lavender said as he quickly dodged and leapt to the side, Cardin then grunted angrily and turned swiftly.
Lavender then jumped backwards and pulled out his weapon and quickly switched it to it's melee form and getting into stance quickly.

Cardin pulled his arm back preparing another mighty blow, he then began dashing at Lavender as he kept still.

'you might want to move.'

"Shut it you" Lavender said as he charged his weapon Cardin then dropped his weapon over him, missing and leaving a crater in the tile floor.
Cardin then swung at his face but ended up missing entirely as Lavender ducked to the floor .
He then quickly swivel kicked at Cardin's feet causing him to fall over quickly, Lavender then brought both of his fists into the air and brought them down on his lower back creating a loud crash in the classroom. The impact leaving Cardin unable to move for a few seconds.

"Giving up already?" Lavender said as he took a few steps back, Cardin then got up fast and swung at Lavenders head once more, Lavender put his hands up quickly attempted to catch the mace but the impact was too strong and sent him flying backwards towards the other side of the stage.

'Told you.'

"Who in the hell do you think you are?!" Cardin laughed aloud as Lavender got up from the floor, "just give up already and I might not hurt you as much!"

'Kick his ass!'

"Pleasures mine" Lavender then switched his weapon to it's pistol form and began fire upon his opponent, each bullet hitting the floor and missing Cardin completely.

"You missed loser!" Cardin then pulled his weapon up getting ready for another attack when all of a sudden the ground beneath him began to glow faintly.
Lavender then pointed his weapon once more at Cardin and pulled the trigger sending a dust infused bullet at his iron chest piece.
Cardin scoffed as he brushed the bullets debris off his chest, "pfft nice shot!" When all of a sudden frost then quickly formed on his chest piece, encasing him in a thick layer of ice.

The classroom now in awe of what was going to happen waited on the edge of their seats. The faint glow then bursted into a magnificent light show, electricity traveling into Cardin's cold containment, his screams of pain echoed through the room having the students wincing in pain as if they had felt the attack themselves.

The ice quickly melted leaving Cardin on the floor gasping for air. Lavender then pulled the cartridge out his pistols and reloaded slowly, "I never miss asshole."

Cardin got up once more and winced a little, the screen above the two changing slight showing that the two had lost only a little aura through the past few minutes.

"Get up" Lavender said as he shifted the weapon into it's melee form.

"I'm not done with you yet."

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