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The moon shined down on top of the city, it's light seeping into cuts and crevices of the old buildings. The waves crashing into the bay as the team walked along the concrete pathway. Lavender took a look at his scroll, the baby blue screen lighting up his face before he shut it off and put it back into his pocket. "At this rate we'll be there when it closes." The twins looked at eachother momentarily as they continued to walk forward. "Lucky for you guys, I know a short cut. Just might be a little trouble for us."

Reyah flipped her hair to the side and slid her fingers through her curls. "What kind?"

Lavender turned around and faced her, continuing to walk backwards towards thier destination. "We might have control over the inner city limits but the bar is about mid city. Means there's unfortunately some unfinished business that we couldn't get to due to our competition, That'll be fixed soon."

Lavender led the team through some alleyways, the shadows pushing and pulling the colors of their outfits as they walked out the other side. Gradually the streets grew busier and busier as they passed each brick alley. Cars whizzed by as people moved in and out of the city buildings, the pitter patter of feet softly tapping on the concrete sidewalk as they made thier way out of the next area.

"Were only a few streets down from the bar, just have to get through the next neighborhood." As they walked out of the alleyway and began taking the sidewalk. the sound of the busy city began to die down slightly as they moved around the corner only to be met with a posse of men and women making the turn as well. Lavender quickly stopped in his tracks and flipped his head back to look at them. The group wore matching red, black, and white outfits; bone white masks shielding thier identities as one of them spoke up.

"What are you fine people doing on this side of town at this time of night? Don't you know who's territory this is?" The man said, only his bottom jaw poked out as he spoke; a white Grimm mask shielding his dark red eyes as he spoke loudly. His cohorts shifted behind him, slowly creating an arching circle around the group before Lavender turned fully around.

"We've got business to tend to. You're going to make us late."
The large man guffawed as his group stayed quiet, slowly reaching upwards and grabbing the handle on his back. "Allow me to repeat myself; do you know who you're talking to? Who's territory you bozos walked into?"

He pulled his weapon out fully, the shine of the Grey blade shining as he brought it to his side. "White fang?" Lavender retorted as he brought his hands up, Grey metallic wire crept up on the back of his hands. A soft hum-buzz played as the leader of the group stepped forward and readied himself. "Good. Now give us everything you guys got before things get nasty."

Lavender brought his hands forward as the humming grew louder, he threw his hands down and with a whip and Crack the elongated metal flew off his skin and  pierced the ground. Before the Leader could move forward, the beeping stopped and let out a shriek. The ground beneath cracked as electricity scuttled through the ground and grabbed at their feet, one by one each of the members fell to the asphalt, the smell of burning flesh becoming more and more apparent as they were swallowed by the attack.
Reyah and the twins stared in horror as they watched the life be sucked out of the groups bodies, smoke appearing as the shrieking settled and the electicity died down. "This is what would've happened if Father didn't give me a heads up." Lavender said as he turned his head and looked back at the bodies, he knelt down and reached for his weapon. The metal, almost like water flowed up his hand and through his sleeves. He breathed in through his nose and exhaled out his mouth, sighing deeply as he put his hand up and watched his weapon wrap around his hand and turn into a pistol. "Love that smell. Reminds me of fresh barbecue." He aimed his weapon and shot the bodies one by one, ice swallowing them one by one. "Help me push em into the alley." The twins looked at eachother in silence and grabbed one of the bodies, the ice making it easier to slide over to the dirty oil stained street. As Lavender was finishing up, the sound of hoarse breathing pierced the air. "Well, look at this. Somebody survived." One of the whitefang laid in silence as Lavender walked over to her body and watched as her breathing began to quicken. "Please." She whispered, the way she opened and closed her lips made an audible crunch as she lifted herself with her arms and attempt to back herself away from her attacker. Lavender slowly walked towards her as she dragged herself, pieces of charred flesh ripped off of her legs causing her to scream in pain. "Please. Mercy." She looked up at him as he pulled his gun up and tapped the side watching it freeze over, his legs already above her ankles as he kicked her shin and watched as she screamed once again.
Lavender knelt down and placed the gun on her leg, the ice crawling onto her burnt skin and giving it a light blue glow, a thin sheet of ice pushing the dead skin off and making a faux set in its place.

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