CHAPTER 29: A Raving Recollection

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The sweet sound of the record player played as Lavender stood next to his window.
His usual black tie looped over his neck as he grabbed the tip and pulled it under and over again until it put itself together.

The sound of static, some students listening to it whisper as the night sailed along slowly.

The smell of Roses filled the halls as it made it's way into the dorm room. Lavender Inhaled the scent slowly as it reminded him of home and reached for his jacket atop his bed.
The Moonlight finally making it's way past the window and laying on top of his sheets.

A small pill bottle sat on the edge of the counter, the moonlight seemingly reaching forward and caressing the desk as it drew nearer towards the bottle.

Lavender then put on his jacket, the inner sleeves soft to the touch while the outside rough like bark.
While putting the jacket on he had felt something in his coat pocket, a small metal recorder.
Lavender pulled it out and began to inspect it, he had turned it to it's backside and looked at it's sleek dimensions. While he did this he noticed that a small white sliver poked from the battery compartment, the screw slightly undone already and the back piece barely touching the recorders midnight lower back.

Lavender began to undo the back piece slowly, the moonlight making it's way off the bed and caressing his body as he listened to the AC kick up and flush the room with cold air.
"Don't remember this being on me" Lavender said as he pulled at the sliver and pulled it out. It's design slim with a single holographic name in the middle of it's pasty grey card.


A creak echoed loudly as the sound of a door moved quickly. Lavender stuck
the card in his breast pocket and swiftly grabbed his jacket from off the bed.
Before Lavender could turn around a subtle white noise began to resonate in his ears, it beginning to get louder and louder as seconds passed.

Lavender put his right hand on top of the counter and began to grit his teeth, the noise getting louder as he felt like his gums were to bleed if he pressed any harder.

"God damn!" Lavender said to himself as he swiped at the wall. The sounds steadily getting louder and louder as he put his hands on the edge of the window sill.

Sweat trickled down his forehead as Lavender began to groan while the sounds got louder.
Lavender shut his eyes, hoping the whatever what was happening would stop.

Lavender then heard faint gunshots and the thud of something hitting the ground outside his window.
He then forced his eyes open and watched as the moonlight left his room and began to illuminate the dark courtyard.

It danced it's merrily way down stairs the light began to showcase a row of people in brown sacks, all on their knees seemingly begging for what was fate to stop. Lavender stared as a row of men in uniform walked out from the dark and pulled guns to there faces.
The voices quickly disappeared as one hound after another were let out of there cage.

Another row of sacked strangers appeared from the shadows, there voices frantic and terrified.
Each beast frantically made its way out of their separate cages and ate at the strangers heads.
Blood spurred out of each of the bodies as one group after another began to be covered by blood, the hounds as quick as they awoke slept silently as the bodies fell.

The sounds became louder and louder as Lavender put his hands on the window and gripped at the wall in aching pain.
After a few seconds Lavender collapsed on to his knees and knocked over his counter, the bottle spilling open; revealing small black pills.

He moaned as he crawled his way over to the wall and began to feel like his body were going to be set ablaze.

Lavender sat on the floor against the lower wall and gripped at his ears wishing for this feeling to stop but to no avail his wish was not granted.
He stared at the ground and spotted a pill next to his right hand, Lavender quickly picked it up and brought it to his mouth the pain began to make his  his skin feel like it were grilled as he popped it into his mouth. The feeling of the pill began to melt on his tongue.

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