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Luclia pov

I sat by cella's side at the pack hospital, I didn't wanna leave my sister. Zanes wolf had gone into panic mode and whimpered loudly seeing cella in pain. I held her hand softly holding back any tears that threaten to fall. I was going to be a strong and big girl for my sister like she was for me.

"Luclia you hungry?", Lora asks walking into the room.

"No mama", I reply softly, as I replied my tummy grumbled and I smacked it gently"shhh"

Lora simply sighed hiding her laugh and Pat my head gently."your so strong for her"

"I'm sissy big girl!"

"Yes you are", lora smiles proud before she leaves the room.

I crawled up lying by cella and put her arm around me as I rest my head against her chest. I whined gently, trying to give her warmth I move closer til my eyes had closed and I saw only darkness filled with wonderful pictures.

Brucella pov

I walked around crushing leaf after leaf under my feet. The forest was glowing lightly, with a sparkling odd fog around, there was a soft peaceful song playing. I kept going til I got closer, my eyes widen when I saw the women.

She had long glowing flowing white hair and bright yellow eyes, a gentle smile was formed on her cherry lips as she touched my cheek.

"My child"

"M...moon goddess?"

"Yes my child, wake up go to your mate snd luclia they all need you"

"I shall"

I saw my wolf run around with a glowing white wolf, they yipped happily snd nipped at each other playfully making me smile.

"My child be careful for a war is coming and you will have to chose who to save"

"What if I can't?"

"Then you all shall die I've destined you to have a second mate in case you chose luclia to save"

"I cant choose between them moon goddess"

"When the time comes, now goodbye my child" 

My eyes flutter open, a small warmth was against my body. I gaze over to see luclia in a peaceful slumber her long chocolate hair coating her as if it were a blanket. I simply kissed her forehead and whined gently holding her close to me.

We must protect Luclia always

I know and i know who I shall save

Alright cella

Zane pov

My wolf howled happily
Mates awake!

At that I rush downstairs to the pack room and slam the door open to see luclia curled up against cella like a lost pup. I smiled at the sight and cella gazed over to me tears filling her eyes"I'm sorry".

I didn't understand to much at first til it happened, I knew why she was sorry.

Brucella pov -few days later-

I smiled sitting by lora as she drank some coke, it was a bright hot day today. The sun was out shining and smiling at us all, I brought up the idea to go to the beach tomorrow since it wad suppose to be like this all week.

Alpha erm father agreed to the idea, me and Lora were happy as hell later today we're supposed to go shopping for new swimsuits.

Lora got up giving me a winner smile"come on let's go"

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