Chapter 18

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I heard a door creak open, and I groaned; pulling a nearby blanket over my face, to hide away from the light. Then, someone started shuffling around, and I threw the blanket away from my head, so I could slightly see who it was.

I looked around the brightly lighted room, and noticed a man wandering around; placing some things on a small table, pushed up against my bed, before leaving the room, without a sound. So, confused, I pushed myself out of the bed, and moved over to the strange items, on the small table, before picking up the closest item near me. A clean, red, shirt.

I dropped the shirt, when the door, to my room, slammed open as a angry man stumbled into the room; screaming curse words as he leaned against the wall, in pain. He looked downwards, at his side, and pulled out a small dagger; grumbling some words under his breath, before looking up at me.

"Seems like you woke up early," he said, with a small smile, as he wiped blood, from the dagger, onto his clean shirt; cleaning it, till it reflected, a little. "Clothes are for you, and this" – he slid the dagger into its sheath, and held it out to me – "is also for you."

I looked at the dagger, and slowly took it from him as he smiled once more, before leaving me alone, in the room, to change. So, I did just that. I set the dagger to the side, and pulled off the dirty clothes, I was wearing, and changed them for the cleaner clothes. Then, I pulled the dagger's belt across my waist, and strapped it tightly, to make sure that it wasn't going to fall off.

I slowly made my way to the door, when I was sure that I had everything, and snuck out, into the hall. I heard talking, in a nearby room, and wandered over to it, placing my ear near the door to listen. There was a grumpy sounding voice, and softer voice, in the room.

"What do you think you're doing?" the grumpy voice asked as they pulled the door open; their eyes glaring down at me.

I looked at the man, before my eyes landed on the other person, in the room; happiness overcoming my anger, towards the attitude the man was giving me.

"Hello?" the man called, angrily. "I asked you a question."

"Does it look like I want to answer?" I asked as I snapped my head back towards him; my hands slowly folding over my chest. "I don't care who you think you are, but you're going to leave this room, and my friend alone, before I beat the crap out of you!"

I watched as his eyes slowly changed into a dark blood red as he glared down at me.

"Hammy, don't do anything to her..." I heard Jason huff; still in pain.

"Hammy...?" I repeated, confused at the childish name.

"It's Hamilton, human," Hammy snapped as he turned towards Jason, with the same glaring eyes he gave me, just a few seconds ago.

Oh, so it's Hamilton...

"It's Jason, vampire," Jason responded; not trying to sound funny, but it was a little funny for me, since I let out a small laugh.

Hamilton glared back at me, and started shouting at me, to get out of the room. So, I backed out, slowly, and into the hall, before the door slammed in my face as Jason scolded Hamilton for being so rude.

I sighed, and turned around, making my way to the nearby staircase, and made my way down it, wandering around, with wonder in my eyes. . I fiddled with my fingers as I walked out into a large open hallway; looking for any sign of life.

I jerked to a halt, when I heard some people talking down the hall, before I got hit in the back, by someone. So, I stumbled a little forwards as I made a small squeaking sound, before two arms reached out, and grabbed me; pulling me back onto my feet.

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