Nothing to Wear(TracerxFemReader)

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You couldn't believe it! You were on your way to Kings Row, London thanks to a contest you had entered. You were finally going to see your online friend by the name of Lena Oxton, who you had been writing to for years. The only bad thing about it was the flight, you had been stuck in between a crying child and the dad who was out cold. You put in your ear buds, hoping to drown out at least some of the noise, the volume of your phone had automatically had gone down thanks to an instant message you had gotten through the planes WiFi, it was from Lena.

Lena: Hey! How's the flight?

You: OMG it is so bad, and still 4 hours till I land.

Lena: Well how about this, when you land I will take you out on the town and show you the sights.

You: YOU ARE JUST MAKING THE FLIGHT WORSE D: anyway Imma get some sleep hopefully.

Lena: Ok Love, get some sleep.


You had arrived at Kings Row airport, you look at all the cardboard signs that held different names. You spot your's that had hastily been scrawled onto the back of a lid to a pizza box, and the person who was holding was Lena, she had a big dopy grin on her face that you found cute. The thought of that made your face turn pink. You walk over to her and she drops the cardboard lid and rushes to you, blipping closer to you, you had known about her powers and her involvement in Overwatch and why she had to wear that device on her chest, but you didn't care; its part of the fact that made her so unique. She jumped up and gave you a big hug. "HEY! It's my favorite girl!" squealed Lena, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Let's get back to my place to drop off your stuff and lets head on out!"

After about a thirty minute drive, you and Lena had arrived at her apartment. It was kind of small, but you thought of it as cozy instead. Lena put your stuff in the guest bedroom and let you get settled. "So Lena on the plane I read about a fancy bar near here." You called which made Lena blink into the room, "how about we get all fancied up and check it out." This made Lena hesitate before saying "SURE! Sounds like fun" She raced out of your room and went to go and find something to wear. You had picked out a nice black dress with noodle straps that sparkled in the light, you chose a pair of heels that matched it perfectly. You had just finished putting on some light makeup when you heard a loud *CRASH* You rushed to the noise and found Lena on her knees and sobbing, you looked around and saw clothes and hangers all over the floor. "Lena what's wrong?" You ask placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I have nothing to wear to match this thing!" She cried while pointing to the mechanism on her chest, "and I never will. I will always have this thing on me, it's either that or I blink out of existence. I mean what girl would even want to be stuck with a person that had to wear a bulky contraption all the time." "Well" you say, "I would." while pulling up Lena onto her feet. "Ever since I saw your picture online I thought you were cute, and then I fell in love with your personality." You told her bravely, you have no idea why you were saying all this though. "But..." Lena began while wiping away tears, "no buts!" you shout while cutting her off, "I couldn't care less about the device you have to wear, you were unique without it and you are even more unique with it, so stop crying and let me take you on a date!" A date, did you really just say a date? "Lena must have been thinking the same thing, however she smiled at this and said, "I would love to (Y/N)" she rushes you out while saying "Now let me find something alright? And no peaking now as I want it to be a surprise." You smile while be shunted out and having the door slammed behind you, you turn around just as it reopens and Lena leaps forwards and gives you a peck on the cheek before saying "Thank you (Y/N)" before shutting the door again. You put your hand where she had kissed you, feeling it burn into your memory as you smiled.

(AUTHORS NOTE: thanks for reading my first ever One Shot, and thanks to @Divanki for the request.

If you wanna make a request make sure to comment, it can either be a CharacterxCharacter, or a CharacterxReader, I do Fluff, Lemons, Limes, Smut. I do it all. Just let me know :D )

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