Fireworks(McCree X Male Reader)

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You were so excited when you heard that Jesse had never set fireworks off himself before. Waking up early in the morning, you drove to the closest firework stand and bought what you could. When you got back home, he was already away and was wearing the red and green underwear you got him for Christmas that had the little mistletoe in the crotch area. "Hey darling. where did you wonder off to so early in the morning?" He asked, "well I got this" I responded and slammed a box of fireworks next to the small gingerbread barn you made at Christmas. You grabbed a lighter from one of the kitchen cabinets and had Jesse carry the box outside, where you watched as your boyfriend had a blast with the fireworks.

When he had finished with the fireworks, he ran up and hugged you. "thank you for this darling, you always spoil me rotten." "It's what I do, I love you Jesse." "I love you too darling"

A/N: Sorry this was so short, it was 15 minutes till midnight and I wanted to release it on new years so YAY! XD)

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