Tricked(McCree x Tracer)

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(A/N: This was requested by ApoctolicticPlatypus, this was such a pain to write as I consider McCree mine! ALL MINE XD but enjoy my lovely little readers)

"Come on Jesse" Tracer said, trying to pull her boyfriend out of their bed, "we have a mission briefing to go to!"
Jesse responded back by tugging the speedster back into bed, and rapping his strong arms around her tiny frame. "Now why would I wanna get up when we can just lay like this" The cowboy purred. Tracer wasn't having any of it however, as she blinked out from under his grasp and took his cowboy hat, his most prized possession. "Now darlin, you better give that back now." Tracer only shook her head in response. "If you want it, come and get it" and with that she ran out of the room. Jesse groaned and threw off the covers, revealing himself wearing nothing but his plaid pajama bottoms and took off after his girlfriend.

<Time Skip>

Tracer was zipping around the half asleep cowboy in circles, making him dizzy. Soon she split off and ran down the hall with him stumbling after her. "Come on darlin, this isn't funny anymore!" Jesse cried.

"Oh come on, you can get your hat when you catch me." She shouted back at him, and with that she went inside of a room. Jesse smiled at this, his girlfriend just messed up. There is no way out of that room. Jesse entered the room, only to be greeted by the rest of his team. Jesse spotted Tracer across the room "got ya cowboy" she exclaimed, tossing the hat back to him.

Jesse just stood there, wide eyed. Tracer tricked him, she would pay for that later. Jesse sat down and started listening to the report when he felt a cool rush of air from behind. "Sorry I tricked ya love, I had to get you in here." And with that she placed a kiss on his cheek and zoomed back off to her spot.

(AHHHHHHH, IT'S DONE! Oh god my Jesse..... just no XD anyway, enjoy you crazy kids)

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