Merry Christmas Darlin' (McCree x MaleReader)

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(AUTHORS NOTE: So this one shot wasn't requested, I just love me some McCree!, BTW Lemon warning)

You woke up to a loud crash from downstairs, slowly sneaking downstairs while armed with a baseball bat you heard another crash coming from the kitchen. You stood at the entrance to the kitchen and looked down to see that the light was on. You draw a rattling breath and charged in with the bat over your head and screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" only to stop to find your boyfriend by the name of Jesse McCree eating the turkey you had made for Christmas Dinner. His eyes had widened in fear as he knew he has just messed up. He swallowed the remaining turkey that was in his mouth and said "Hey darlin' what are you doing up so late." You had your head resting in your right hand while the left was tapping the baseball bat on the kitchen island. "Because, I was woken up by some idiot who decided to have a midnight snack!" at the word snack you raised the bat above your head and tried to bring it down only to have it caught in Jesse's robotic hand, you look at him with a gulp as you knew he had just turned the tables on you. With his strong and hairy human hand, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him, your crotches touching. "Let me go Jesse, the Christmas dinner is ruined now" you yell while pounding on his chest with your one free hand while the other was still in the air holding the bat. "I will remake the turkey tomorrow hun" he cooed while nipping at your neck. "Oh no you don't, you are not getting anything out of me right now." You were still furious about the turkey and besides it was 2 AM, "awe come on puddin' just a little bit of fun won't hurt you." You are finally able to push him off of you and march to bed.

Jesse came in an hour later and smelled of a turkey stuffing and cigars. "You are not coming into bed like that Jesse." you mumble loud enough for him to hear you, he only shrugs and takes off his clothes and puts most of them in the hamper so all he has on is his tight underwear that defined the throbbing bulge. "Oh honey" he cooed, "You wanna open a Christmas present early?" You sigh and turn around to see him with his hairy arms crossed and with a smirk on his face. "why do you want me to open the smallest package early" you say mockingly which causes his jaw to drop, "why you little-" he starts but you cut him off by saying "just go take a shower Jesse. The cowboy turned around with a huff and stripped off his underwear, letting a rush of warm air from the vent in the floor air out his privates. He looks back at you and notices you turned back over, he stretched out his underwear between his hands like a slingshot and with his amazing aim his is able to make it hit your head with a snap. You sit up angrily and throw it back at him only for him to chuckle and close the door to the bathroom just before it hits him. 


It was eight O'clock, Christmas morning, you were still slightly annoyed about the turkey. However, maybe you could pay him back for that. You were being spooned by Jesse when you had woken up and you felt a poke in your back which only could have been his morning wood. "Hey Jesse you awake?" you softly call out, you got a loud snore in response. An evil smile crept upon your lips and you turned around to face him and put your hand to his crotch and put some pressure on his and rubbed, making him moan in his sleep. You wiggled down so you were level with the bulge in his tight underwear(you only let him sleep in the nude on special occasions) you pull down his underwear only for his cock to pop out and making some precum flick off his rod and onto your face. Wiping off the precum, you take Jesse's length in your mouth and start to suck, swirling the head of the cock in your mouth you hear a sharp intake of breath that can only mean one thing. "Good morning cowboy" you say from under the sheets. Your boyfriend throws off the covers and looked down with a smirk. "You couldn't wait for me to be awake to open presents?" he asked with a chuckle your response was flicking the head of his dick which made him gasp. "Why you little rascal come here," Jesse growled while lifting you up and placing you on his hips, you could feel the tip of his cock pressing up against your entrance, the only thing between them was your underwear. "Wait you purred to the horny cowboy, let me get one of the Christmas gifts I got for both of us, it will make it extra special." You say with a wink, Jesse releases you and you close the door and run down stairs. This was your chance, your change for revenge. You dropped down onto the couch and and turned on the TV and started watching one of those cheesy Hallmark movies.

Thirty minutes into the movie you hear a low growl behind you, turning your head you see a naked and mad McCree with nothing but his cowboy hat on. "Hey sexy, I like your new uniform for work" You say innocently. Jesse stared and with a mighty roar he yelled. "YOU LEFT ME BLUE BALLED YOU ASS!" "I guess we're even then" you say coolly. "even?" he repeats as a question, "what are you talking-" Jesse cut himself short, you can see him flushed red with rage, "IT'S ABOUT THE GOD DAMN TURKEY ISN'T IT!?" "bingo" you say while raising up your phone to take a picture, "now smile" and with a click you take a picture only for Jesse to jump over the couch, drag you down and pin you on the floor. "You are not leaving me blue balled damnit" He turns his back to you while his heavy frame was still on your stomach, he sucks one of his fingers and sticks it in your hole, the cool touch of his metallic finger making you squirm, he puts in another one and starts to scissor and stretch out your hole, making you moan. "You like that don't you baby?" Jesse cooed mockingly, while continuing to stretch you. Taking out his fingers, he turns towards you again and slides off of you and picks up your legs. Placing the tip of his big dig at your stretched out entrance you beg with him. "Don't do it Jesse, forget about it all, fuck the argument, fuck the turkey." You plead, with a few clucks of his tongue he responds by saying "now why would I go fuck a turkey when I can fuck you?" And with that remark he entered you hard and fast, making you gasp for air. With every thrust he kept hitting your sweet spot making you moan and squirm, "Jesssssssseeeeeee" you moan while he is on top of you kissing and and nibbling on the crook of your neck, leaving marks. Continuing to thrust into you, you feel his thrusts becoming uneven and sloppy. "Oh BABY!" He shouts, "I'M GONNA CUM!" With one last deep thrust he releases his seed into your hole and falls on top of you, feeling him twitch every now and then.

After laying there for a while, Jesse gets up and picks you up bridal style, he takes you to the big elegant bathroom with a shower on one end and a big classic oval shaped bathtub at the other. He puts you in the shower and you lean against the wall as your legs felt weak. He chuckled when he say that, while you were cleaning yourself off he had started a nice hot bubble bath in the bathtub and just rested in the tub with his head propped up on the side. After finishing your shower you half walk, half hobble to the tub as you still did not have much feeling in your legs. The cowboy chuckled and held up one of his strong, masculine arms as support. You slipped in the tub, on top of him and rested with him while he lathered your arms with soap and whispered "Merry Christmas darlin'" in your ear, "Merry Christmas Jesse, I love you" "I love you too darlin."

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