Saving Her(Tracer x Female Reader Continued)

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A/N Hey guys, this is a continuation of the first Tracer x Fem reader! I hope you enjoy!

The both of you looked amazing, You with your black dress and high heels; and Lena with her slimming dress that matched her eyes. She was beautiful in it, she caught you staring at her "What?" she asks with a smile. "Just admiring the art," you say as you lean in to kiss her. "She accepts the kiss before busting out laughing, "You are so corny, it's so adorable." laughing out, "Come on Lena, lets get going." You say before pecking her cheek. 


"OI LET ME GO!" Lena yelled at the security, "well I guess we aren't going there for a while" You said laughing. "God, those people have no since of humor." Lena pouted, "to be fair, you did steal the hosts toupee and run around with it, while he was chasing after you." "Hey it caused you to laugh didn't it?" You nodded your head and this and continued to laugh while waiting for the taxi to pick you up. 

Suddenly, there was an explosion. "I gotta go check it out love" Lena said and with that, she took off in her dress and flats. you took off my heels and followed, "like hell your leaving me!" you shouted after her.


you had arrived to a burning building and saw tracer zipping in and out, dragging people from the burning building. She zipping back in again and you heard a scream from inside that sounded like Lena. You begged a woman to swap shoes with me and she easily agreed because lets admit your heels where nice. You ran inside, a firefighter that showed up tried to stop you, but you ducked him and ran inside.

You could see so much fire, how on earth did this happen, you thought. But that didn't matter right now, you had to find Lena. You raced around flames that were licking at the blackened and burned building. "Lena!" You coughed out, you heard a slight groan from behind you and saw her, she had under a burning log, her dress in tatters. You tried to lift the log only for you to scream and let go, it was so hot that you felt blisters start to form on your hand. You had an idea pop into your head, ripping off apart of your dress and rapping your hands, you grabbed the log again and pushed it off of her. Picking her up, you walked her out of the building just before it collapsed, sending out sparks of red and orange. The paramedics took you and Lena to the hospital where Lena was rushed to emergency care, while you were treated for the burns on your hand you had been both praised and scolded by an elderly nurse who was treating you. But you didn't care, all you wanted to do was see Lena.


You had been allowed to see Lena after a few hours. She had bandages covering her legs from where the log and fallen on her. "Hey love," she said while weakly smiling. "I thought I was a goner, but some angel saved me." You giggled at this and kissed her forehead. "So did you really rush into a burning building and save me (Y/N)?" "Yea I did" "But why?" she asked "Because I love you." I told her which made her show that cute, dopy smile you loved so much. "I love you too" she said and you kissed her, showing how much you loved her.

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