My Cowboy (McCree x Female Reader)

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You had just gotten home from work when it started to rain. You didn't really feel like making anything so you just threw some leftover Chinese food in the microwave and pressed reheat. While waiting for your food to heat up you headed to your room to change in your pajamas. While in the middle of putting on your night shirt you heard the microwave go off.

You went back down and grabbed the Chinese food from the microwave. Plopping down on in a dinning room chair, you gave a great sigh. Before you could take a bite of your food, you heard a knock on the door. You got up, wondering who could be here at this time. Looking through the peep hole you saw a handsome and well muscled man that was soaked from head to toe, his cowboy hat holding small puddles of water. Opening the door you say with a gasp "Jesse, what are you doing here at this time?" But you knew he would never answer, even if we was your best friend. You guys used to date throughout high school before Jesse went to join the military group called Overwatch. He said he had a surprise for you when he got back but all that happiness went down the drain.

He had ended up in an accident that caused him to loose his voice and ended up being discharged from Overwatch, after that you and him had stopped dating, but you still remained friends. Sometimes he came over for comfort because of his PTSD, sometimes he came over because he wanted to hang out. Both of you learned sign language so you could communicate, but you could tell Jesse missed his voice. "I have something to tell you" he signed with his hands. "What" signing back. "I want to thank you for all you have done for me" he signed "I know it must have been difficult for you all these years." You smile and say with your fingers "of course I care about you, you're my friend." "I want to be more though, and so with the help with some doctors I have a surprise for you." He got down on one knee and held out a beautiful ring that made you jump up with tears in your eyes. Jesse looks at you and somehow croaks out "" you just stand there and stare. "He did this for me" you thought, all for me. He furrowed his brow in concentration "" you could see silent tears streaming down his face. "Hey, hey its ok." You cooed, holding his face. "I don't care, I have always loved you, and I still do. I just wanted to give you your time and space." He looked up at me and you could see a hint of that smirk you loved so much " a...yes? You kissed him and said "What do you think?" He kissed you again which made you smile while kissing him. You got up and took his rough hand and walked him to my room and gently pushed him on my bed. For the first time you saw him smile, it had been so long since we had done this. You took off your shirt while he took off his pants, straddling his hips, he pushed into you, making you moan. He cupped your breasts and you rode him hard. "Oh...darlin" he said with a growl, there's the Jesse McCree you knew and loved. We continued until his thrusts started to get erratic, until he finished inside you. Afterwords we fell asleep in each other's arms.


It has been fourty years since your Jesse came back, we had one child but they had four. Jesse was finally able to speak properly since he saw me that night, we used to just lay together and talk till we fell asleep in each other's arms. Getting up from the bench you were sitting on, you tip Jesse's hat that was now mine at a gravestone and said "see you soon cowboy."

(A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this and thanks to @flameofphoenix06 for the request, first time writing a bit of smut for male x female. Hopefully I will do better next time also sorry for the I and you mixup I was tired XD )

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