Don't Mess With My Turkey (McCree x Male Reader Continued)

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(A/N: hey guys, so this is a continuation of the first mccree x male reader, it's only fluff so all you dirty minded people are gonna have to wait ;) anyway enjoy!)

You were standing at the airport, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive for christmas. Sighing, you look down at your watch and see he was an hour late.
Suddenly you feel a pair of strong arms rap around you, "Hey darlin" your face splits into a smile as you turn around. "JESSSSSSSSEEEEE!" You squealed, it had been months since you last saw your boyfriend by the name of Jesse McCree, you clung to him with your legs rapped around his waist, there were a few awes from passing randoms, which made you blush. "So are you just going to cling onto me like a monkey or are we actually gonna go somewhere?" Your boyfriend chuckled, you dropped down off of him and grabbed his hand, dragging him to your car.

During the drive, he wouldn't stop kissing your check and rubbing your thigh. "Is there something you're wanting Jesse?" You ask, "just you darlin" he responds with a purr, making you blush. "I'm just gonna have to make you wait, as I need to go to the store and pick up a few things." You say with a smirk, all you get is a groan.

Arriving at the store, the two of you walk hand in hand. Only to be greeted rather rudely "I'm sorry but we dont let your kind in here" you just stood there in a confused state. Jesse on the other hand walked up to the man, "both of us have been in this store before, holding hands and everything; what's with the sudden change?" Your boyfriend asks. "The employees here have a right to refuse service to anyone." "However, the owner can overrule that" Someone shouted. You turn to see where the voice had come from, it was Mei, your best friend. "And as for you" said the small woman, "you no longer work here, I will not have that kind of nonsense in my store." And with that, the ex employee stormed out. "It's sad to still see people can't accept it still." With a shake of her head. "Anyway what are you looking for (Y/N)? Actually I was wondering if you could keep the turkey I'm making at your place, since cowboy over here ruined the one last year." You said while jerking a thumb at Jesse "Oh now that's not fair" he complained with a fake pout "you got me back, remember?" You only smiled at this, you could still remember leaving him on the bed, blue balled. "Oh that's quite all right, I will pick it up tonight when I close up shop tonight" your friend smiles "thank you so much Mei, alright cowboy, let's get you home" you add while turning to him, only to find that he went to look at a shelf full of do it yourself gingerbread houses. "Hun, can we get one of these? I have never made one before" Jesse asked, which made you and Mei giggle, "of course, pick out one that you like."

Jesse's entire demeanor changed on the ride home, instead of the usual kissing and rubbing of your thigh, he was reading the back of the gingerbread kit he picked, it was a ginger bread barn kit, complete with a little cowboy made out of gingerbread. "So you never made one before?" I ask, "no, never really had the time, or the money, or someone to do it with. But now I have you, and all the time in the world" and with that he kissed your cheek, making you blush.

When you got home, you instantly went upstairs with Jesse to change into something more comfortable, and something you didn't mind getting covered in icing. After heading downstairs, you open the box and started to assemble the barn, letting it set for a few hours. After it was solid enough, you and Jesse started to decorate. Jesse made the barn red with white stripes, and let it dry. After that you took these little beads of candy and started to place them on the roof so it looked like Christmas lights. "How are you so good at this?" He asks you in awe. "I am a cook after all" you say while dabbing some frosting on your boyfriends nose with your finger, making him go cross eyed by looking at it.


I sat staring at the gingerbread barn that me and (Y/N) made. I was so lucky to fall in love with a guy like him, so funny and creative. He had even gotten the idea of taking some powdered sugar and sprinkling it on the barn so it looked like snow. Not to mention that he knew how to cook, one of the many reasons I fell for him.
(Y/N) had set out the turkey for Mei to pick up, he had outdone himself again. Smiling, I turn around to see that my boyfriend had just entered the kitchen, only for a rock to go through the window and nearly hit the turkey. "FAGS!" I heard someone shout through the busted window. I balled my fists and was ready to march out side and give whoever did that a lesson they would never forget. Only I wasn't quick enough. In a flash (Y/N) was gone, along with his baseball bat he kept.


I had just walked into the kitchen to tell Jesse that Mei would be here in a bit, only to see a rock fly through my window and nearly hit the turkey I worked hard on. I was pissed, I raced outside with my bat to find that ass hole kid who used to work at Mei's store, he turned to me and his smile dropped. "You don't mess with a cooks turkey you dick!" I shout and chase after him, I see the police lights ahead of me and the kid, Jesse probably called them. The kid stopped and tried to turn around, only for me to tackle him. He looks up at me frightened, I raise my hand and give him a good hard slap. "You are so dead kid!"

<Mei POV>

I just saw (Y/N) tackle my ex employee, I stood there and watched as he was beaten up. I said a small prayer as the police pulled (Y/N) off. Jesse ran up next to me, telling me what happened. It explained so much as I knew when it came to my best friend and the food he cooked, you don't ruin it.


I was given a warning by the police and sent back to Jesse and Mei. Mei had a mixed look of admiration and horror while Jesse looked so turned on. We went back to my house and I quickly sent Mei on her way with the turkey before being thrown over Jesse's shoulders and taken to my bed, knowing what was about to happen, I smiled.

(AUTHORS NOTE: as I said boys and girls, only fluff this time. I may continue it onto smut if I get enough requests ;) happy holidays)

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