Powered Down(Genji x Generic Reader)

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You were at work when you had gotten the call, something had happened to Genji. Rushing to the hospital you asked what room he was in. Running down the halls you counted the room numbers, "21...22...23" you reached his room and saw so many people there. Some you had met in the past and some you had never even seen before. But only two stuck out to you the most, the archer Hanzo sitting next to the hospital bed. Then there was your boyfriend Genji, a ninja who had most of his body replaced with cybernetics do to a conflict with his brother in the past. He was laying down in the bed, dying. "There's my lotus blossom" you here him weeze out. "Hey baby" you wispered back while sitting on the edge of his bed. "Why don't you get some rest ok?" You told him, messing with his hair. They must have taken his helmet off.

"(Y/N), Hanzo can I speak with you two for a moment" a white haired woman by the name of Angela had asked. You got up, placed a kiss on Genji's for head and walked out of the room along with Hanzo. "I hate to be the one to tell you this but..." she falters for a moment before continuing, "there is no way we can save Genji" you gasp and felt the room spinning. Hanzo gripped your shoulder to keep you steady, you took a deep breath and asked "how did this happen? Who did this to him?" "It was Sombra" Hanzo replied "she had upgraded her EMP blast so it permanently did damage to our weapons, but it also did major damage to Genji as well." He said this with so much bitterness that it was now your turn to put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "(Y/N) where are you?" You heard Genji cough out "I'm coming baby" you respond and rush over to his side again. "I heard everything, I know I'm dying." "Your face burned with sadness, you wanted revenge. Genji must have known what you were thinking because he said "Don't beat yourself up about it and don't go trying to get revenge." He cooed while cupping your check with his hand, "either of you" he added when he noticed Hanzo. Slowly Genji's light in his armor started to flicker, "(Y/N) I love-" He was cut off by him suddenly gasping and his lights flickered out for the last time. "I love you too Genji." You said while silently crying, and putting one last kiss on his scared lips before breaking down in heartache. Knowing you will never see him again.

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