Pulled From the Darkness(WidowMaker x Genji)

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"STAY STILL YOU BRAT!" I shouted at the mechanical ninja that was jumping around, avoiding my bullets. "Never going to happen my little spider" my opponent mocked. My face was burning with a mix of rage and embarrassment. 

This had all started when a few weeks ago, Talon had sent me and a few other operatives to Hanamura to try and recruit some more cadets. I had perimeter duty one night when I spotted him, a cybernetic man with a glowing green visor. He had came up really close to me and poked me in my nose in a playful way. So I ended up trying to shoot him, but he kept bouncing around like a pinball. Soon every night we had met like this and continued this tradition. That was until I found out I would be leaving soon.

I had just fired my last round at this mysterious android when I just put down my gun and sat on the roof I was perched on. I was soon joined by him, "whats wrong? you don't feel like playing anymore?" He teased, which made my face go a deeper shade of blue. I had not felt like this since...since him, the man I killed, the man that was once my husband.

"I will be leaving soon, they will want me back." He nods his head and what he says shocks me "Talon...Yes I know who you are Amalie, and I know what they did to you." At this, I grabbed my gun and aimed it at him, he only sighed and raised his hands in surrender, "I don't want to fight with you Amalie, I want to help you, I know you remember your late hate hustband. I saw you at his grave many times." I squeezed the trigger, only met with nothing, I forgot I was out of ammo. "Please Amalie, let me help you." I felt something, that I had not felt in a long time...love, I felt love. "Why are you doing this" I whisper, holding back tears, "because, this world is a dark place, and I hate seeing bright lights being snuffed out by this terrible world." He pushed down my gun and grabbed one of my hands, I was surprised by the warmth of the metal fingers intertwined with mine. "Do you know who I am Amalie?" He asked, I only shook my head. My long black hair slightly obscured my vision. I watched as the mystery man raised his free hand and pressed and pulled down his mask, revealing a heavily scarred but still handsome face. My memories were foggy, but I did recognize the face, I remember a smiling young man who I had once met when I was not widowmaker, but the wife of a Overwatch scientist. "Genji?" I mutter in question, and he nods his head. "This is what the dark world did to me, but I was saved by someone who I consider my sensei and who I think is my best friend" he quietly said, "so let me help you, let me pull you from the darkness that has overcome you." He was almost begging at this point.

I felt a wave of emotion come over me, emotion I had not felt in years. I collapsed down on the roof and wrapped my arms around myself. I felt it all... rage, sadness, and love...everything. I felt surprisingly warm metal arms wrap around me. "I'm here Amalie, I'm here..." 


It had been months since I had left it all with Genji, left Talon, left the darkness. It was all thanks to him. I may still look blue on the outside, but I felt everything again, and I have my boyfriend to thank. "What are you thinking about my little spider?" He cooed, I just stared at him, I had my head on his lap, while he played with my soft hair. "Just someone who made my life happy again." I respond, "oh, who would that be?" He chuckled. I leaned forward and kissed my cybernetic man, "who do you think?" I giggle. All he does is smile, that smile brightened up my life, and took me out of the darkness.

(This was requested by Rosseneri over on AO3, I hope you enjoy it! If any of you guys have any request, let me know in the comments or send me a private message! It can me fluff, lemons, limes. anything you want I DONT JUDGE!)

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