
671 41 14

Kellin's POV:
It's three in the morning and it's one of those nights. One of those night where I can't sleep due to all the thoughts flowing in my head.

I'm thinking too much and I know so, I'm thinking too much about my body and how I don't like it.

It's been years since I've self harmed but the scars are still there. They have faded but sometimes it still hurts to see them, right now is one of those times.

I look down at the ring on my finger, rubbing it with my thumb. I think back to the day I married Vic and how perfect it was. I try to only focus on how much I love the man who's currently asleep next to me instead of the negative things, but I can't seem to escape my thoughts.

Usually only looking at the ring and remembering these things makes the bad thoughts go away, yet this time I feel a lonely tear falling down my cheek.

The single tear is followed by more until I have to cover my mouth with my hands to not make any noise. The desperate attempt fails as a sob escapes my lips louder than I intended it to.

The sound seems to wake Vic up and he starts moving in bed next to me. I turn around so my back is to him, pretending to be asleep. I feel the bed shift behind me and since I'm sure it's Vic who fell asleep again I let out another sob without caring about the noise that much.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Vic whispers from behind me.

I jump at his voice but still don't turn around to face him. He shuffles closer to me until he's spooning me and wraps his arm tight around me. It's no surprise to him really that this is happening, this isn't the first time that I have woken him up at midnight being upset.

"Kells please tell me why you're upset. I wanna help," he continues and kisses my shoulder.

I hate doing this to Vic. The way he talks make him sound so small and fragile. He doesn't deserve to put up with this, yet he still loves me. No matter how much I can be to put up with, he's always happy to do so.

"It's just one of those nights.. I just hate my body so much," I cry out as more tears fall from my eyes and stain the pillow under my head.

"Baby your body is beautiful. You are the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on, your scars don't change that," Vic tells me and holds me closer.

He suddenly pulls away from me and gets off the bed. He walks over to the door and turns on the light that's way to bright for me.

"Uuugh.." I grumble and push my face into the pillow that's damp from my tears.

"Sorry.." Vic mumbles before dimming the lights down giving the room a romantic mood.

I hear him walk around in the room but I keep my face in the pillow until I hear music starting to play in the room.

"Words get trapped in my mind.."

Our song. The song that played when Vic got me the promise ring in high school. The song that was playing at our wedding, the song that we danced our first dance to as married.

I turn around to look at Vic. He's standing in front of the bed with his hand reaching out for me.

I get of the bed in a not very graceful way and stand in front of Vic. He wipes my face free from tears before taking my hand in his and placing them around his neck.

Vic places his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I feel new tears forming in my eyes and Vic frowns.

"Baby please don't be sad..."

"I'm not sad, not anymore. You're just so damn sweet."

Vic smiles at this and pulls me closer to him, stroking my hair and kissing my head as we continue slow dancing.

The song is on replay and is already starting over for the fourth time but neither of us care.

"After all these years you still know how to make me feel better," I tell Vic pulling my face away from his shoulder to look in his eyes.

"And after all these years I still love you so fucking much."

"I love you too," I say and smile at his words.

"I will always be here for you Kells, I will never stop loving you."

I look up at Vic, staring into his chocolate brown eyes that is one of the many many things I love about him.



I smile and lean up to kiss Vic softly. He kisses me back sweetly until the kiss is ruined by us both smiling too much into it. We pull away and giggle at each other before going back to dancing.

There's nothing I appreciate more in life than moving to San Diego and meeting Vic. Nothing that I appreciate more than us falling in love and getting married. Nothing I appreciate more than the fact that our adoptive daughter will be born in a month and we get to take her home.

At four in the morning the bad thoughts about my body is long gone. Whenever I feel self-consious Vic reminds me that he loves me enough for both of us and whenever I can't love myself he'll either do it for me or he won't give up until my bad thought about myself are gone.

We are still slow dancing to our song 'When it's time' that I know all the words to and now I know for sure; my life couldn't be better, I'm content with it all.

I look up at Vic from the grip in his arms. He looks at me with a small smile and pecks my nose.

I open my mouth to speak but I can't seem to find the right words so I close my mouth again.

"What is it Kells?" Vic asks me looking worried, probably because I'm a crybaby and is starting to tear up again.

"Nothing darling. I'm okay"

And that's a wrap. This story is officialy over and I'll miss it:( Thanks to you who read this, voted and left comments❤️

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