Characters Explaination

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I dont know if the characters in this story confused you guys or not but truthfully said, I got confused by my own story. Well here it is...

•Kim Mya
She is 25 years old. The sister of Kim Wonshik. Both of them lose parents when they were young because of an accident and have grandparents took care of them. However they insisted on staying in Korea but their grandparents are living in the States. She is very very rich but she and her brother already promised not to expose their fortunes to anybody. Kim Wonshik had to leave her in Korea with their maids since he had to further his studies in US. Mya found Hakyeon when she further her studies in an Art Academy in States which includes photography, dance, drawing and modelling. Hakyeon is one of the student in modelling but have passion in dance. He is Mya's model for her assignments. She used to experience a heartbreak and now she's trying to recover back her broken heart.

• Han Sanghyuk
A young doctor and he's also 25. He has 2 halfbrothers which are twins. His mother married with Jaehwan and Hongbin's father when he is still a baby since he's father died in a car accident. Thankgod both of the siblings accept him and love him so much and always babying him even Hyuk is already 25. So the three of them are living together with Jaehwan accepts reservation for potraits and Hongbin does modelling. He is actually very shy, always blushing when someone teased him about girls especially when the nurses at his hospital tried to flirt with him but Hyuk will always reject in a nice way (include sarcasm). He likes someone that has a long hair, not caring how she looks he will fall through feelings not by appearance.

• Cha Hakyeon
Mya's super bestfriend and he's 27. Cha Hakyeon is the first one who manage to go through Wonshik's overprotective nature and not run away even he received so many blackmails and warnings to not getting near with his sister. He never listen and he received Wonshik's approval to be friended with Mya when the brother saw him punching some bitches for bullying Mya in States. He is the one who turn Mya into a beautiful girl and teach her how to be a fashionable person. Of course its not for free. Hakyeon said he will ask the gratitude from Mya when he fall in love with someone. Hakyeon loves her as a sister and also overprotective. Oh!! And of course as the only one Mya's bestfriend, Hakyeon is aware of her status.

•Kim Wonshik
A sister's fool and always protect her sister since he feels responsible (he really is and even cry when he had to leave Mya in Korea alone). He is a year older than Mya. He looks very fierce outside but actually a softie inside since he will never wins his sister's plead or even in an argument with her. However don't underestimate his ability to fight whoever hurt his sister. Yoon Minseok is lucky since Wonshik wasn't in Korea but he swore to his life that he will kick Minpoop's ass when he saw him. Before his parents death, they already left Wonshik and Mya hell lots of fortunes and a big company so Wonshik is the CEO. Wonshik has a bestfriend name Jung Taekwoon, his secretary and they work together in States.

• Lee Jaehwan Lee Hongbin
   Hyuk's twin half brothers, 26 years old. Both of them have the same likings but different professions since Jaehwan is more interested in fine arts than posing in front of camera. He always work inside the house and considered as the mom by those two littoe brothers of his since he's only stayed at him. He hates socializing outside and only have less friend than his brothers. Weird is it? But he loves to tease them both and actually a wide mouthed. He will only talks a lot with the person that he closed with and of course Mya is an exception since Hyukie likes her. The cousin of Jung Taekwoon and actually close with Kim Wonshik even before he knows Kim Mya. Meanwhile, Hongbin the younger twin prefer to socialize more than his older twin that is why he chose his career to be a model. He scouted by someone in the industry and have worked as a model since in his university.

• Jung Taekwoon
A bestfriend of Kim Wonshik and cousins for the three brothers. He is actually more to Hyuk's cousin since Taekwoon's mother is Hyuk's aunt so he is more close to the youngest. Taekwoon is the secretary but Wonshik took him as his bestfriend since he trust no one other than him, Hakyeon and of course Kim Mya. Taekwoon also very closed to Mya much closer than the other two (shikkie and yeonie) does since according to Mya Taekwoon is not annoying at all. Of course both of them are jealous since Woon got all her attention.

And lastly, the absolute troublemaker in this drama......

• Yoon Minpoo-- I mean Minseok
Nothing much bout him. A school dropout, ultimate loser, he's not rich at all but lies to everyone acts like a chaebol. He only date Mya because of the school's dare but he regretted since Mya changed into a very beautiful lady. Anyway, he dropped school because he's dumb and poor. So he bring nothing good to the school. Lol (Mya knows about this and she laugh out loud with his brother and Hakyeon)

Thats all!! I hope this help though hahahaha now I realize when I'm homed, it will took me years to update lol. Anyway they already back from Laos Vietnam and Cambodia! Man Jyani and Taekwoon were so hot and Hyogi with his wethair behind the pool! That kid why he didn't drag me along *crying mess* also also also!!! Rabin on scooters!!!! Fuuuuuckkkkkk them and helmetsssssss OMO!!!! Okay done being random... i hope these characters will help you to understand more about this story 😋😍 thankyou for reading!!

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