Chapter 12

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Its getting darker but Mya have no intention to go home. Even she knows Wonshik won't be slaughtering at her when she come home with all grumpy and cries, she need the time alone. What happened just now at the wedding was very terrible. She thought Hyuk is different but he is just the same type of guy who tried to approach her with the same reason. To forget their past love. That was so stupid and Mya can't handle those anymore. No wonder Hakyeon and Wonshik protect her so much, she got it and from now on, she won't complain anymore. Speaking about Hakyeon, he must be having fun with Jimin right now. Mya chuckles. She is very happy for Hakyeon because that guy finally clicked with the model.

Mya scrolls her phone and she tries to call Hakyeon. There's no way she go home with heels and dress, people might think she's mad. But then, she still wondering, should her call Wonshik or Taekwoon to pick her up. If she call Wonshik, the first thing he will said is he will hit Hyuk for hurting her feelings. But if she calls Taekwoon, he will ask Hyuk to pick her and ask for forgiveness. The best choice is Hakyeon. Well, distorting his date for a second won't hurt since he should thanked for her though.

After a few ring, Hakyeon picks up the call and immediately let out his unmanly scream for disturbing his moment with Jimin. However, that bestfriend of hers shut his mouth after listen to her after crying voice.

"Hey what's wrong? Is everything okay? Where is Hyuk and where are you now?" And this is what she likes about Hakyeon.

"Hakyeon-ah.... I am so sad and hurt. Can you please pick me up? You can bring Jimin along,"  Mya cries in the phone call. And crying Mya is very hard to find after the incident. She is a very cheerful person and Hakyeon feels that he is responsible for keeping that smile on.

"Okay wait for a second. Text me your location and I'll be there in minutes. Stay safe," there easy. Mya wipes her tears and plays some songs to fill her heart on the moment.


Hyuk realizes that he did so bad just now and acting like a jerk for kissing Mya without her permission. That is so not a man. He keeps searching around the hotel area with his car since Mya might not be far away because of her heels. For 15 minutes he drive around and finally he sees a glimpse of a woman playing the swing at the park with a dress. Emerald dress to be exact.

"Mya....." he calls. Mya looks up to see the owner of the voice but then she look down back.

"What do you want?" Disappointment clearly heard from her lips. She doesn't want to meet him at that moment.

"I.... I'm sorry. I know I acted like a jerk, I lied to you, I used you... and I'm sorry," he kneels in front of her but still do not receive any answers from Mya. The woman decides to keep it silent. Since Hyuk can do it just now at the hotel, why she can't. Mya rubs her arms because of the cold night breeze. Seeing the lady is freezing, Hyuk takes off his blazer and tried to put it on hers but Mya refuse.

"Is that all you want to say? Then go away. I don't want to see you,"

"I'm deeply sorry too...... for kissing you without your permission,"

"YOU WHAT?!!!!" Hakyeon who is already arrived at the place, absolutely shocked after listening to what Han Sanghyuk has said to Kim Mya. He knows, Mya never had her first kiss yet and now what the Han Sanghyuk did was stealing the kiss from her. Well, Hakyeon also used to kiss her but that was a game few years ago not more than that. But Hyuk is not someone really closed to Mya yet he kissed her.

"Han Sanghyuk you did what?!" Hakyeon grabs his collar and ready to smack his face but Mya stop him from doing so.

"Hakyeon-ah, let's just go... Don't tell oppa about this," Mya pulls his hands away Hyuk and just left with turn back. Hyuk shouts that he is very sorry but still Mya is also a woman with ego, she never turn her head back.

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