Chapter 11

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Mya thanked her stylist friend for doing her hair and makeup and her everything. Even though she is capable of doing that all by herself, tonight she wants to look a little bit special because Hyuk asked her out somewhere. From afar, a car appears with Hyuk inside on the driver seat. He wants to step out and open the door for Mya but the lady declines, say its fine for her to do it by herself. Hyuk wears a white dress shirt with emerald blazer with nude colour slacks. Coincidentally Mya also wore the emerald dress and nude colour stilettos.

"So where are we going?" She asked and receive smiles from Hyuk as an answer.

"To my friend's wedding. I told you before she's getting married at the mall that day," he grins as Mya mouthed ahhh. Seriously she forgot about that and never have a slight idea for him to bring her along to the wedding. Thank God she choose to wear something that is suitable for the event, not something that is she usually wear. Mya have something to ask but maybe its not that important and impolite if she asked so she just let it lingers in her mind alone.

After a few minutes on drive, they arrived to a luxurious hotel that only for high classes people afford to held an event here, which is owned by her family and this is the place where Wonshik should spent his day working. Hyuk opens the door and his arms for her to cross together. Mya can't be happier than this with him treating her like a total princess. How she wish this will be real and she would like to meet Hyuk's friend badly. As they are stepping inside, the wedding is very grand and the colour combination are very suitable with the theme. She wonders who is Hyuk's friend that afford to held such grand wedding at her hotel.

Speaking of Hyuk, he is being quite ever since and not speaking even a word while his gaze straight up looking at a couple who is entertaining their guest. Mya senses something that is unsatisfying but keep her mouth shut again. Maybe Hyuk is feeling unhealthy. Yeah a doctor is still a human. Mya decides to shrug off the bizarre feelings and make a conversation with Hyuk. Thats weird though. He's the one who offers Mya to go out with him but Hyuk being silent all the night.

"Hey Hyuk-ah is that your friend?" Still Hyuk being quiet until the couple walks toward them and exchange smiles together. Being Mya who is friendly and loves to smile to others, she reach her hands to shake with the bride but as if her hand is visible, the bride only has her eyes on Hyuk. Embarrassing. That is what she feel right now but not much since the groom decide to accept her hand.

"Meet my girlfriend, Kim Mya."

Okay now what is happening right now. Is this for real what she heard from Hyuk's lips? Mya? This Kim Mya the photographer is his girlfriend? Mya turns her face towards Hyuk not knowing what prank is he pull right now and demands an explaination. But maybe later, for now she just play along with everything.

"I know, she look so much your type. Anyway, thankyou for coming. But I was not really expecting for you to come you know," the bride said. And Hyuk only chuckles with her remarks. What the heck is wrong with this guy. And the bride. First, she was rude to her in her goddamn hotel and she just let it slide since she don't care. Second, she was being rude to her friend and this is unacceptable.

"Excuse me? Do I hear wrong? Your friend came here to wish you happiness how can you say that?" Mya fumes and her other side in coming out slowly. Let her knows that Mya can't handle rude people.

"Yah, its okay. Calm down," Hyuk holds her hand calming the lioness who might explode right now.

"Sorry, Hyoeun-ah. I will talk to her," Hyuk slightly bows to her and her husband. He tries to pull Mya away from the couple but she doesn't want to. Rude people need to be teach very well. She wonder why this so called husband beside her is not reacting as if his wife is a saint. Not saying even a word for her extremely ugly attitude.

"What is wrong with you? Can't you see that she is treating you badly?" Mya shouts at Hyuk when both of them are finally outside. For a second she feel sorry for him for yelling but then what the bride said is rude.

"Its okay Mya, I kinda used to her attitude. I... look I'll be right back okay. I have to meet someone inside, can you wait for me here," she nods. Leaving alone outside is very uncool. For sure she will come home being grumpy and being interrogated by Kim Wonshik later on. Mya glances at her watch, its six pm. Gosh still early though, but she's already feel bored. Mya take a glass of wine from the waiter and have a time alone until someone calls her name.

"Kim Mya, how long have you been his girlfriend?"

Oh its the rude bride just now.

"Why do you care?"

"Feisty aren't you? You are so not his type. I can tell," she chuckles. Mya rolls her eyes in annoyance.

"Oh you don't care. Plus for sure I know he loves me so say anything you want, I dont even care," Mya sasses her back. Rude people need to be reply in a rude manner also.

"Oh really? Are you sure he loves you? As what I can see, he still love me despite knowing that I already married. Anyway, have a nice party girl. Great dress you got," Hyoeun walks away from Mya after tearing her heart in shred. Oh this is hell. Mya's eyes are getting teary still in disbelief of what she was heard just now. No way Hyuk only wants to use her to forget his own feelings. That's selfish.

Mya still standing on her feet, not moving waiting for Hyuk to come. And here comes the person who just have lied to her for his own benefits. "Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"Do you think I am okay?" Not knowing what should her reply as an answer, Mya throws back a question to Han Sanghyuk makes the latter frowns. Hyuk knows its all because of Hyoeun as he saw her smirking behind Mya's back and he clearly saw it. This can't be! Hyuk hates to be seen useless in front of her and he needs Mya.

"Actually why you bring me to here? To show off that you already move on from you ex girlfriend? Is that so? Am I heartless? Not having any feeli—" Hyuk cut her off with a kiss on her lips. It is surprising and Mya stunned with that lips crash on hers. It takes a while for her to push him away and give a big slap on his face. This guy who has zero feeling towards her kissed her on the lips whixh is her first kiss for God sake.

"I hate you," Mya run away from the hotel with  heavy tears ran on her cheeks. While Hyuk is still holding his cheek after receive the slap from Mya. That's much from his expectations. He glares at Hyoeun because she spilled nonsense for Mya to act that way. He knows he also at fault for not telling her his plans so Hyuk ran after Kim Mya. He looks for her everywhere but Mya is not there anymore.

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