Chapter 13

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It has been three months since Mya works in the advertising department in her company with Wonshik. Also it has been three months for her not meeting Han Sanghyuk. Not that guy haven't try to contact her but Mya decided to decline all the calls and ignored all the text. She hurt. So hurt that she swore to her life to to even give a slight chance to meet any guy anymore. Aha talking about guy, Mya once saw Minpoop at a convenience store, working as a cashier there. Seems like he repented already and try to work on something instead of mindlessly walking in the road without having any job. After that night of being lied and cried all night long, with Wonshik getting worried seeing his sister cried her heart out, he decided to kick that Sanghyuk ass. But then Mya hold his arms and ask to stop doing that and focus on her.

And now here she is, being a lioness at her own company gettinga angry over a small thing. Not that her employees did something wrong but everything is wrong in front of her eyes. Especially if she saw someone talking on the phone with guys, that makes her angrier. Last week she scolded her employee for having a call with her brother, which is so important. Mya even grab the phone and throw it into somewhere which resulted the girl quit. Some of the worker dared to report her to Kim Wonshik and he did advised her to cool down and chill a little. She did. But only for two days. That's the longer.

Mya steps out from the elevator which resulting all the staff bowing down not even have guts to look into her eyes direcly. Even her aura scares them despite her pretty face and soft looking. Suddenly she stops at her secretary's table and turn her head towards the poor secretary. Her blonde shorthair and dark lipstick contrasts her white pale skin makes her look scarier. Well that's not her before the incident in fact Mya hates to put on heavy makeup and bright colours on her. Hakyeon already told her to change the hair colours but she insisted on that hair. Day by day Mya getting more stubborn and Hakyeon won't bother on that.

"Jiyeon-ah, come into my room. Right now. Everyone we have a meeting in 10 minutes. By 9 I want everyone is ready," by that Mya get into her office. Behind her is the secretary that is begging to the God to save her day.


"Unnie, have you consider my offer about being the company's model? Come and work for me please~~~~~ I can drag Hakyeon along if you want," and now this is Mya that her closest one knows. Begging to Jimin and Hakyeon to work under her because she doesn't want them to meet Hongbin anymore. Why so? Because Hongbin is sticking his nose in her business because a baby brother of his is begging to him to tell Hakyeon to relay a sorry message to Mya. Complicated? Nothing more complicated than Mya's suddenly high peak of ego.

"Yah, I do want to. Your offer is very good but this guy *glance at Hakyeon* doesn't want to," Hakyeon is still sipping his tear ignoring the fake tears of his bestfriend.

"Hakyeon-ah~~ i will triple up your payment. You both. How? Ahhhhh" Mya hold her head after feeling someone nudged her precious head.

"Yah don't even think to make this company bankrupt or its YOUR pay I will cut short. Now drink," Mya pouts after hearing her brother's naggings. Now here comes the nags about her being strict and scare their employees.

"Its not my fault! Plus oppa, we don't want them to disrespect us, do we?" She sips her drink with pouts not leaving her lips.

"Oi you don't ask for respect, lil sis. It will come by herself," Hakyeon pulls her hair and Mya tattles to Jimin because of Hakyeon. Surprisingly those two are working well and Hakyeon already decides to buy an apartment to live on his own which makes Mya sad and sulking for a week. Say Hakyeon, he doesn't want to bother Mya and Wonshik anymore and living under their wealth. Of course both of them upset becaus of that since Hakyeon already like a family to both of them. And Hakyeon decide to hold that thought first and focus on his friends first. Jimin also agree with them to let Hakyeon stay with them for the time being. Well, Mya is still not into her right mind then Hakyeon should be with her side.


As for Hyuk, he only depends the news from Hongbin who only got from Hakyeon. But lately Hakyeon is not going to cooperate with him anymore and less updates he got from him. He couldn't blame Hakyeon for those anyway it his own fault. He can sense that Hakyeon is being overprotective over Mya and often to ignore Hongbin (Hongbin told him this) but if the things is not about Mya Hakyeon return back to his usual cheerful self. Guilt starts to overwhelmed his heart. Hyuk put down his pen and sigh loudly. He seriously need to apologize face to face with Mya but that girl is getting harder to reach.

Reaching out the phone on his table, he starts to read the texts that he hadn't had time to read just now because of emergency. There are some from Jaehwan, well mostly Jaehwan asked him what he want to eat for dinner tonight. He chuckles. Its just an hour after lunch time, but Jaehwan already text him about dinner.

'Don't cook. Let's go for beef tonight. My treat :)'

He push the reply button with a smile drawn on her face. He can't pull harsh jokes on Jaehwan as if 'i hate your cooking' or 'your cooking taste bad'. He is special one that Hyuk can even treat him badly.

"You want to have gopchang, dont you? Alright I will tell Hongbin later. You pick at 7:30 pm right?"

"Yeah hyung. See you later,"

Jaehwan is actually someone who makes him wanted to pursue his career as a doctor. There is a reason why he wants to work inside the house only and refuse to socialize. He's the one who is free to do that. By 'free', Jaehwan has low antibody that can makes him faint so sudden. Hongbin and Hyuk knows that. That's why both of them have a big body but Jaehwan is skinny and paler than them. Jaehwan was diagnosed as one of the dying patient that don't have much time to live. He suffers leukaemia since small but then he received a backbone donors. However it doesn't last forever, his sickness came back two years ago. That's when Hyuk finally finish his study in medics. For Sanghyuk and Hongbin, Jaehwan is all they have. Jaehwan is their mother, father and brother. Hyuk knows his disease is now slowly coming back and he need to keep his hyung well all the time and feed him anything he want. As for now, he will have a dinner with his beloved hyungs and need to shove away the thoughts of Kim Mya in his head.

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