Let you Down

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“Oh, fuck!” I say as I look at my phone.  It was Ash.  I answer it to hear a woman on the other end.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hi, Is this Jinxx? This is Ashley’s mother,” The voice says, sounding as if it had been crying.

“Yeah, is everything okay?” I ask, frantic. The guys look at me and Ashley mouths ‘what?’

“No, they got into a crash,” Ashley’s mother whispers.

“Fuck!” I yell. “We are on our way right now.”

“Okay,” she whispers.  “Rooms 235, 236, 233, and 234.”  I slam the phone down.

“Get in the car. I will explain on the way,” I say as we all climb in.  Ella and Lauren want home, so it was just CC, Jake, Ashley, Sammi, and me.

“Jeremy! What the fuck is happening?!” Ashley asks, freaking out.

“Crash. Four rooms. All hurt,” I say, trying to focus on the road.

“Fuck! Not Meri!” he says.


We get to the hospital and rush up to the rooms.  We go to Ashley’s first, figuring that is where his parents would be.  We walk in to see a man and a woman holding each other, crying.

“Mr. and Mrs. Paws?” I ask.

“Yes, are you Jinxx?” She asks.

“Yes, this is Jake, CC, Ashley, and Sammi,” I say.  “What’s wrong with them? How did this happen?” I ask.

“Ash and Carter are both in comas, Ash is likely to survive,” She says, starting to sob at the thought of losing Carter.

“Andy is fine, he just busted his ribs and broke some bones, but Meri is in the same condition as Carter,” Mr. Paws says as his wife lets out another sob.  “Someone shot the back tire and then some idiot ran into them and that caused the passenger side to crash into a huge tree, both Meri and Carter were on the passenger side,” he said, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

Sammi walks over to me, tears in her eyes. She goes over to Ashley’s parents and hugs them.  We look over at Ash.  His head was bandaged. He had a black eye and a huge cut that went from his ear to his mouth.  His arms were also bandaged up.  We walk out of the room and go to see Carter.  We walk in and Sammi crumples to the floor.  There are a lot of tubes in her arms. Carter has bandages over most of her arms and legs.  Her head is mostly covered in bandages, too.  I can see that she has a cut running from her forehead to her cheek.  That one will leave a scar.  Ashley and I help Sammi up and CC, who normally never shuts up, is speechless and crying as we see this girl, usually so strong and confident, look so fragile and broken.  Ashley insists on seeing Meri next.  I can tell he loves her. He collapses to the floor like Sammi did in Carter’s room.  He starts sobbing, so Sammi sits next to him and starts soothing him.  She looks a lot like Carter did, lots of tubes and bandages all over.  The only difference was that her forehead was gashed open from temple to temple.  Ashley couldn’t stop crying, even after we walked to Andy’s room.

“Hey, guys,” he said, sleepily.  I think he just woke up. 

“Have you seen them yet?” I ask.  He looks at me confused.  “Andy. Ash, Carter, and Meri are all in comas and Ashley is expected to survive, the girls took most of the impact,” I say, my eyes watering.  Next thing I know all six of us are crying.  We stay like that until Sammi whispers that she is going to go check on Carter.  Ashley then goes to Meri’s room and I go to check on Ashley and his parents.

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