This Prayer is For You

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I knew I shouldn't have done that. I was weak.


I have treated Carter terribly these last few weeks. I've been worried about how good of a father I would be and now because of me, I wouldn't be one!

I have fucked up.

Big time.

I ran back to our bus, noticing it was empty and Carter's stuff was gone. This was it. I grabbed my notebook and wrote one last song for Carter.

"I wish there was some way

For me to disappear

To leave your life

Like I had never existed

I wish there was a way that I could go away

Without leaving you

With all of the memories of me

I wish we had never met

Just to save you from this heart ache

That builds up inside

As I take the final leap

Please know

That I'm sorry

Sorry for leaving

Sorry for meeting you

Sorry for ever falling in love with you

Sorry for hurting you

You are my last thoughts

As I swallow these pills

As I take my last leap

I love you

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry Carter, take care of the pets, the band, and my parents for me. Some may seem me as being over dramatic about one petty thing, but I have been waiting for a time to leave that would seem just right. I planned on taking my life the night we met. As you have said before, "My time here is up and you have delayed my departure time..." I'm so sorry Carter, I can't stand to live on this hateful planet anymore. Please, move on and get remarried. Have little Carters. I will watch over you from where ever the dead go when they die.

I love you, Angel.

Love, Ashes"

I wrote. I walked over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed the sleeping pills that I used to have to take. I poured about half the bottle into my hand and shoved them into my mouth. I laid my head on the tub and my hand, still clutching the paper, over my heart. I then let myself be carried away. My last thought of Carter, Meri, War, Anthony, all of BVB, my parents, the other bands, my pets, everyone that I know and love. Then the darkness ate me.



I heard Carter start to sob. I walked over to her and saw where she was looking. Ash was slumped by the tub, his hand over his heart gripping a paper. There was a bottle of pills and a notebook next to him. He looked peaceful. I walked over to him and felt under his neck.

"He's gone," I whispered to Carter.

"No! This is all my fault! No! He can't be!" she sobbed. I walked over to her and hugged her. I called the police and told them what had happened.

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