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I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door.  I looked at my phone.  2:49. Weird. I quickly grab my gun that my father left me and walked to the front door, Hypotenuse right by my side.  Chris, Ricky, and Ghost were in the guest bedroom and War was at Anthony’s house.

I open the door and gasp, seeing a figure there that I never wanted to see again.

“Damon,” I spit at him.  This was the guy that beat me after Ash’s funeral.

“Hey, sweet cheeks.  Miss me? Sure sounded like it on the phone,” he grinned devilishly.

“No.  Out.  Now,” I said through clenched teeth.  I was taller than him by a couple of inches so I stared down at him, hoping to creep him out or scare him enough to make him leave.  Hypotenuse noticed how I was acting and started to growl at Damon.

“Listen here you little bitch.  You speak to me with fucking respect!” he said with a gleam in his eye that I really did not like.

“No.  Damon.  Out.  Of.  My.  Fucking.  House.  Now,” I say as Hypotenuse slowly gets ready to jump on him.

“That’s it,” was all he said as he grabbed me by the hair.  He pushed me against the wall, hard.  I fell on the floor, giving him the perfect opportunity to jump on me. I heard Hypotenuse whimper and fall to the floor.   He pulled me back up and started slapping me and he punched me in the chest, knocking my breath away.  I collapsed into the floor, trying to catch my breath.  Damon then came up to me and kicked me in my stomach and ribs, causing me to cry out in pain.  I then felt a large heavy thing on my chest.  I looked up just long enough to see Damon holding my gun, pointing it right at my head. 

“C-C-Chris!” I screamed with my last breath.  I waited then, expecting to hear a shot and feel my skull break. 

“Carter?!” Ricky said.  He and Chris immediately jumped on Damon and pulled him off of me, allowing me to breathe easier.  Ghost came over and picked me up and carried me to my bedroom.  He looked me over and applied some washcloths to my bad wounds.

“Ooh! The little slut got not one, but three more boyfriends?! How beautiful!” I heard Damon scream.  Ghost picked me up and held me in his lap, rubbing my back gently.

“Carter?!” I heard Chris and Ricky yell, franticly.

“In here,” Ghost yelled and I winced. 

“We need to get to a doctor,” Ricky said.

Chris nodded and carefully picked me up.  We were walking to the car and I heard Ghost and Ricky talking franticly on their phones. 

“Carter, don’t you dare-“Chris started to say as I fell asleep.



“Cater don’t you dare fall asleep,” I say as I put her in the car.  I look at her and realize that she was asleep.

“Fuck! Rick! Devin! Get your fucking asses in here now!” I yelled.  They got in and I drove to the nearest hospital, fear clenching my throat.


“Family of Carter Black?” a nurse asked us.  We all nod in unison.  “Yes, well, she has some really bad head damage and is in a coma.  We don’t know when or if she will wake up,” the nurse tells us.  No emotions showing.  Not even sympathy.

“If?!” Andy, War, Meri, Anthony, Jinxx, and I scream.  Everyone else is with CC helping him call PTV, OM&M, and the rest of MIW.  Ashley said something about calling Jayy and J and telling them.

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