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I drove over to the BVB house.  I walked up to the front door and knocked, loudly.  I noticed that Anthony’s car was here, so War must be here as well.

“Hey sweetie,” Ashley opened the door and said in his REALLY gay voice.

“Fuck off, Purdy,” I said, pushing him aside and laughed.

“Ashley!” I heard everyone say.

“What?!” I said, dragging out the ‘a’.

“C’mon! Let’s get to work!” CC shouted at everyone.


About 3 hours later, everyone started to get hungry.  We decided to meet the girls at Taco Bell, romantic, right?

I, unfortunately, had to ride with Ashley and CC.  Which meant I was getting hit on by them in their fake gay voices.  Loooovvveeellllyyy.

“Hey, Ashes, sweetheart?” CC said, playing with his hands as he spoke.

“Yes, CC?” I groaned.

“Oh, nothing! You just look super today!” he giggled.  I sighed and rolled my eyes.  If I hadn’t known that they were joking, I would have socked them both in the face. 

“Ashes! Were here!” Ashley said, petting my head.  I glared at him and walked inside, waiting for Carter.

“Hey, Ashes,” Carter said suddenly and sat next to me. 

“Hey, Sneaky,” I joked and poked her stomach.

“Grr,” she ‘growled’ making a claw with her hand.

“Ohh, save it for tonight,” I whispered and winked at her.  She just blushed and looked at her lap.  “Aww, you’re sooooo cute when you blush!” I said, dragging out the ‘so’, making her blush even more.

“Lovebirds! Get your asses up here and order!” Andy yelled at us.


We finished eating and Carter insisted on driving.

“No, c’mon! I’m the guy!” I complained like a child.

“No. Sit,” she said, shoving me in the car playfully.

“Fine,” I said as I pouted.  She started driving towards the beach. 

“Ashes! Were here!” she sang.  Damn her voice was beautiful.

We walked out of the car and started walking on the beach.  I looked over at her.  Her raven hair was glowing softly in the moonlight and her eyes shined as bright as the stars above our head.  I couldn’t help myself, I leaned in closer and kissed her.  Her lips were soft and warm. 

“Ash?” she whispered once we disconnected.  She sounded nervous and bit her lip ring.  Fuck, she looked adorable when she did that.

“Yeah?” I asked, worried.

“How do you feel about having children?” She asked, trying to hide behind her hair.

“I don’t know, maybe later on in our life.  Right now is pretty hectic with all of the new-band-just-starting-tour shit.  Why?” I asked, confused.  Was she-?

“Impregnant,” she said fast, the words blurring together so I could barely hear her.

“You’re…,” I could feel my eyes grow huge.  She looked at me in worry. I’m going to be a dad! I grabbed her and spun her around.  I carried her bridal style back to the car and put her in.

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